Insights Nutr Metab 2017
Volume 1 Issue 3
Nutrition World 2017
Page 28
September 11-12, 2017 Edinburgh, Scotland
World Congress on
Advances in Nutrition, Food Science & Technology
Comparative evaluation of the therapeutic
effect of metformin monotherapy with
metformin and acupuncture combined
therapy on weight loss and insulin sensitivity
in diabetic patients
Amir Firouzjaei, Guo-Chun Li, Ning Wang, Wan-Xin Liu and Bing-
Mei Zhu
Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, China
Obesity induces insulin resistance (IR), the
key etiologic defect of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).
Therefore, an incidence of obesity-induced diabetes is
expected to decrease if obesity is controlled. Although,
metformin is currently one of the main treatment options
for T2DM in obese patients, resulting in an average of 5%
weight loss, adequate weight control in all patients cannot
be achieved with metformin alone. Thus, additional
therapies with a weight loss effect, such as acupuncture,
may improve the effectiveness of metformin.
We designed this randomized clinical trial
(RCT) to compare the effects of metformin monotherapy
with that of metformin and acupuncture combined therapy
on weight loss and insulin sensitivity among overweight/
obese type 2 diabetes (T2DM) patients, to understand
whether acupuncture plus metformin is a better approach
then metformin only on treating diabetes and to understand
whether acupuncture can be an insulin-sensitizer and, if
so, its therapeutic mechanism.
Our results show that metformin and acupuncture
combined therapy significantly improves body weight,
body mass index (BMI), fasting blood sugar (FBS), fasting
insulin (FINS), homeostasis model assessment index
(HOMA), interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumour necrosis factor-α
(TNF-α), leptin, adiponectin, glucagon-like peptide-1
(GLP-1), resistin, serotonin, free fatty acids (FFAs),
triglyceride (TG), low density lipoprotein cholesterol
(LDLC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC), and
Consequently, metformin and acupuncture
combined therapy is more effective than Metformin only,
proving that acupuncture is an insulin-sensitizer and can
improve insulin sensitivity possibly by reducing body
weight and inflammation, while improving lipid metabolism
and adipokines. Thus, electro-acupuncture (EA) might be
useful in controlling the ongoing epidemics in obesity and
Amir Firouzjaei is currently working as a Dean of Acupuncture Department
at Pardis multiple pain clinic, Acupuncturist, Tehran, Iran. He completed his
Clinical PhD in Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Moxibustion specialty,
Nanjing at the University of Chinese Medicine, and Doctorate in Medicine,
General Physician Specialty and the thesis is entitled, “Comparative evaluation
of the therapeutic effect of Metformin monotherapy with Metformin and
acupuncture combined therapy on weight loss and insulin sensitivity in diabetic
patients” which is published in May 2016 in Nutrition & Diabetics, Nature
Group. His paper, “Development of Acupuncture in Iran” (Academic) was
awarded internationally excellent paper at the 10th World Congress of Chinese
Medicine in Sep 2013, Santa Clara, California, USA. He is a Coordinator of
IRSES Marie Curie project on “China and Europe taking care of health care
solution, CHETCH”, Jan- Dec 2015, an International Consultant and Member
of Iranian Scientific Acupuncture, member of World Federation of Chinese
Medicine Societies (WFCMS) and Licensed Member of The Islamic Republic
of Iran Medical Council.
amirfi@yahoo.comAmir Firouzjaei et al., Insights Nutr Metab 2017