Insights Nutr Metab 2017
Volume 1 Issue 3
Nutrition World 2017
Page 49
September 11-12, 2017 Edinburgh, Scotland
World Congress on
Advances in Nutrition, Food Science & Technology
The influence of the operating conditions
adopted during the extraction on the
qualitative and typical characteristics
of Tuscan mono-varietal oils (Moraiolo,
Leccino, Frantoio)
Anita Nari, Angela Zinnai, Chiara Sanmartin, Anita Nari, Isabella
Taglieri, Gianpaolo Andrich and Francesca Venturi
University of Pisa, Italy
s widely reported in literature, recent studies have
remark and describe the safety and nutritional quality
of extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO), focusing on its wealth of
bioactive compounds (polyphenols, tocopherols, etc.) in
preventing oxidation of the lipid components and, therefore,
the formation of free radical damaging for human health.
These bioactive actions seem to be due both to the quality
of raw material (olive fruits) and to the technology adopted
for the extraction, indeed the chemical composition
and the sensory characteristics of the EVOO is deeply
influenced by the technological parameters adopted. In
particular the utilization of suitable working conditions
(time and temperature used during the individual phases
of the extraction process) could potentially offer the real
possibility to plan the concentration of phenolic and volatile
components in olive oil and to modulate its nutraceutical
properties as well as sensorial perception profile. The
main aim of this research project was to describe the
influence of the operating conditions (i.e. climate trends,
water regime (irrigated or not-irrigated) on the qualitative
and typical characteristics showed by Tuscan mono-
varietal EVOOs (Moraiolo, Leccino, Frantoio) during two
different crop seasons (2014 vs 2015) characterized by
very different climate trends; moreover, during the same
year (2015), different water regime (irrigated or non-
irrigated) were also compared. The experimental data
collected show the suitability of the adopted operational
decisions to the different conditions (cultivar, climate,
water regime) allowing to obtain oils with more favorable
compositional indices than those provided by extra virgin
olive oil according to the regulation for “Tuscan Protected
Geographical Indication”.
Anita Nari is graduated in Food Biosafety and Quality. She is a PhD student
(II year) in Agriculture, Food and Environment at the University of Pisa with
a research project about producing olive oil with a high nutraceutical and
organoleptic quality using innovative operative technique (extraction and
storage methods). She is interested in R&D activities, development and
validation of analytical methods for food quality of raw materials and products,
qualification, characterization and monitoring of food technologies.
anita.nari@agr.unipi.itAnita Nari et al., Insights Nutr Metab 2017