Insights Nutr Metab 2017
Volume 1 Issue 3
Nutrition World 2017
Page 25
September 11-12, 2017 Edinburgh, Scotland
World Congress on
Advances in Nutrition, Food Science & Technology
Design and production of food processing
machine using under water shock wave for
practical application
Ken Shimojima
, Osamu Higa
, Yoshikazu Higa
, Ayumi Takemoto
Hirofumi Iyama
, Atsushi Yasuda
, Shigeru Tanaka
, Ren Fukami
Shigeru Itoh
and Toshiaki Watanabe
National Institute of Technology, Okinawa College, Japan
Osaka Sanitary Co., Japan
University of Kumamoto, Japan
National Fisheries University, Japan
food processing machine that generates underwater
shock waves has been developed at OkNCT. The
processing method uses a spalling phenomenon, which
is different from the conventional processing method.
The processing effects are improvement of extractability,
softening and sterilization without heating. In this report,
the following contents are reported: The processing
mechanism of the spalling phenomenon by underwater
shock wave and the optical observation of shock wave,
The processing method of this device, result that some
food was processed experimentally by this device. The
summary of consecutive driving devices for practical use
when a shock wave goes through the plant, it is divided
into reflection and transmission wave in the interface of
the difference of density. Tension power occurs in this
interface. Then, the food is crashed by this phenomenon.
Figure 1 shows a food processingmachine for test crashing
using underwater shock wave. The device consists of a
power supply, a processing unit. The pressure vessel in
the processing unit is filled with water and electrode of
two sets are installed in centre of vessel. Electric energy
charged in a condenser is supplied to an electrode by a
gap switch and a shock wave occurs with electric collapse.
The food is covered by a silicone hose and it is crushed
in the atmosphere. Several foods were crushed by this
device and inspected for the processing effect. Results
such as the milling flour of rice and the coffee, softening
of a meat, carrot, apple and the sterilization of powder is
introduced. Developed consecutive operation processing
device on which practical use was possible.
Ken Shimojima persuaded his Doctorate and worked as an Assistant Professor
at Tokyo Denki University, Japan during 2004 and then he worked as an
Assistant Professor at Sophia University, Japan from 2004 to 2009. Now he is
working as an Associate Professor at National Institute of Technology, Okinawa
College, Japan since 2009.
k_shimo@okinawa-ct.ac.jpKen Shimojima et al., Insights Nutr Metab 2017