Insights Nutr Metab 2017
Volume 1 Issue 3
Nutrition World 2017
Page 26
September 11-12, 2017 Edinburgh, Scotland
World Congress on
Advances in Nutrition, Food Science & Technology
A consideration of underwater shock
wave behavior at interface for various
acoustic impedance materials using the
computational prediction
Yoshikazu Higa
, Ken Shimojima
, Osamu Higa
, Ayumi Takemoto
Shigeru Itoh
and Hirofumi Iyama
National Institute of Technology, Okinawa College, Japan
National Institute of Technology, Kumamoto College, japan
ecently, the methodology and technology of food
treatment using underwater shock wave has been
attracting attentions as a novel processing. The shockwave
targeted in our research is a pulse wave of a momentary
and high-pressure power. The pulse wave propagates in a
medium such as water, air, food and faster than the speed
of sound. The shock wave induced by the underwater
electrical wire explosion can generate the momentary
extremely high pressure power, and achieve no-heating/
no-destruction associated with a flavor and nutritive value
as process in microsecond timescale. Therefore, it is
very expected as a novel food processing technology.
An example of pre-processing meat, vegetable, food
sterilization, oil extraction and rice powder manufacturing
system have been experimentally reported in the past.
Regarding the development of the corresponding food
processing equipment, suitable devices must be designed
to satisfy various conditions. Their design is extremely
difficult to investigate experimentally, because there are
so many parameters to consider in ensuring suitable
food processing, and the shock wave propagation
phenomenon ends in a very short time. Thus, it is very
helpful for a computational simulation to be performed
to investigate shock wave propagation in the proposed
food processing vessel. Therefore, in this paper, to
reveal shock wave propagation characteristics in foods,
computational models of the food, the surrounding water,
and the high-pressure source were developed using the
commercial finite element software. By conducting a
series of numerical simulations, the pressure distribution
in various foods associated with their acoustic impedances
has been discussed.
Yoshikazu Higa has done his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Mechanical
Engineering at University of Ryukyus and then he persuaded his Doctor
of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering at Kobe University and was a
Research Associate at Osaka University. He later became Lecturer at Osaka
University and worked as an Associate Professor in Mechanical Systems
Engineering at National Institute of Technology, Okinawa College. Then he
became Professor and currently holds that position. He is currently a member
of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) and The Society of
Materials Science, Japan (JSMS). He also serves as a Committee Member
of international/domestic conferences and symposiums. His research fields
are the theoretical and computational crystal plasticity and computational
multiphysics. He is currently working on 80 papers dealing with experimental
study and computational simulation of multiphysics phenomena. He has
received the JSME Hatakeyama Prize in 1995, and the Best Paper Award in
ESIT2016 conference in 2016.
y.higa@okinawa-ct.ac.jpYoshikazu Higa et al., Insights Nutr Metab 2017