Insights Nutr Metab 2017
Volume 1 Issue 3
Nutrition World 2017
Page 23
September 11-12, 2017 Edinburgh, Scotland
World Congress on
Advances in Nutrition, Food Science & Technology
The relationship between glucose and
lipid metabolism parameters and carcass
characteristics in finishing cattle
Benjamin M Bohrer
, Dustin D Boler
and Anna C Dilger
University of Guelph, Canada
University of Illinois, USA
lood parameters in finishing cattle, such as glucose,
insulin, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), and
beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) can be used for several
applications in ruminants. It has been widely speculated
that differences in insulin sensitivity and free fatty acid
circulation of finishing cattle may impact important
carcass traits in beef, such as marbling and fat thickness.
The objective of this research was to measure glucose
and metabolism parameters in late-stage finishing cattle
and establish the relationship of those parameters with
carcass characteristics. Late-stage finishing steers
(N=23; average initial BW=618±25 kg) and heifers (N=12;
average initial BW=573±26 kg) were fed high-concentrate
diets for a 56-d period. During this study period, non-fasted
blood samples were collected at d-0, d-28, and d-56 and
glucose-tolerance tests were conducted at d-21 and d-49
of the study period. Glucose-tolerance tests consisted of
infusing cattle with 0.5 mL of 50% glucose solution/kg of
BWafter a period of 16-24 hours without feed and collecting
blood for multiple time increments after the infusion. Cattle
were slaughtered in a commercial facility on d-57 of the
study period and carcass characteristics were measured
48-h after slaughter. Pearson correlation coefficients were
calculated for all parameters using the CORR procedure
of SAS. Marbling was not correlated (r≤|0.25|; P≥0.16) with
glucose tolerance test parameters, including not being
correlated (r≤|0.20|; P≥0.27) with d-56 glucose, insulin,
NEFA, and BHBA. Fat thickness measured at the 12th rib
location was not correlated (r≤|0.30|; P≥0.09) with glucose
tolerance test parameters, including not being correlated
(r≤|0.19|; P≥0.27) with d-56 glucose, insulin, NEFA and
BHBA. Overall, glucose and lipid metabolism parameters
and carcass characteristics were mostly uncorrelated in
this group of late-stage finishing cattle.
Benjamin M Bohrer is a Meat Scientist with training and expertise in Animal
and Food Sciences. He completed his graduate education in Animal Sciences
at the University of Illinois with a focus on meat science and muscle biology
and began his career as an Assistant Professor in Food Sciences at the
University of Guelph. Much of his previous research has been completed on
the impacts of on-farm production practices on muscle development, carcass
characteristics, fresh meat quality and processed products of pork, beef, and
poultry. In the future, his research program at the University of Guelph will
expand on livestock production factors affecting meat and muscle biology. In
addition, a great focus will be placed on whole muscle and processed meats,
with specific focus on the health of these products and innovative ways to
improve quality and value of meat products.
bbohrer@uoguelph.caBenjamin M Bohrer et al., Insights Nutr Metab 2017