Insights Nutr Metab 2017
Volume 1 Issue 3
Nutrition World 2017
Page 21
September 11-12, 2017 Edinburgh, Scotland
World Congress on
Advances in Nutrition, Food Science & Technology
Low-calorie diet and exercise in management
of obesity, affect the overall health condition:
A successful story
Suhair Abdalla Khalil Abdalla
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, KSA
he rising prevalence of obesity and its associated
morbidity and mortality are placing significant strain
on Saudi’s health-care system. The present case study
examines the weight loss attempts of a 53-year-old male
patient weighing 200 kg (body mass index 57.3 kg/m2)
in the setting of an acute hospital outpatient clinic. The
patient is known case of morbid obesity, DM, Hypertension
(HTN) on medications, gout, secondary infertility, and
sleep apnea on C pap. The patient was referred to
nutrition clinic for his weight control, as case of secondary
infertility and uncontrolled diabetes, hypertension beside
other health problems related to his obesity. Because
of the need for rapid weight reduction, a novel inpatient
approach to weight loss was adopted, using low-calorie
diet (LCD) and regular exercise (45-60 minutes daily).
The LCD intervention was prescribed in conjunction
with medical management, regular physical activity, and
dietary counseling. Serial anthropometric and biochemical
measurements were obtained throughout the treatment
period. The patient achieved a 90-kgweight loss (45% initial
body weight) over a ten-month of follow up. Improvements
in obesity-related co morbidities and the patient’s overall
health condition were also observed during his follow
up. Total weight loss at 10 months of follow up 90 kg
(45% initial body weight), improved in Hba1c to normal
reference range and stopped oral hypoglycemic (OHG),
Controlled HTN pt back to normal Blood Pressure reading
and stopped medication, sleep apnea management and
no C. pap use. His wife gets pregnancy after weight loss
occurred (pt secondary infertility and weight loss help in its
management) Pregnancy occurred. The use of LCD with
exercise in a motivated individual in a controlled hospital
outpatient clinic, along with input from the multidisciplinary
team, resulted in substantial and sustained weight loss
with improved health outcomes. In conclusion obesity is
preventable and treatable. LCD and physical exercise can
produce weight loss that can be maintained and help in
improving the overall health of obese patient.
Suhair Abdalla Khalil Abdallah has completed her PhD in Clinical Nutrition from
Ahfad University for Women, Sudan. She is a Clinical Dietitian at King Faisal
Specialist Hospital & Research Center, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. She has
experience of 18 years in clinical nutrition field.
rawansahr@hotmail.comSuhair Abdalla Khalil Abdalla, Insights Nutr Metab 2017