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Journal of Nutrition and Human Health | Volume 3
May 23-24, 2019 | Vienna, Austria
Joint Event
International Conference on
Gastroenterology and Digestive Disor
International Conference on
Nutrition and Fitness
Dietary intake, physical activity level, body composition and muscle strength from
a Malaysian adolescents cohort study
Hazreen Abdul Majid
University of Malaya, Malaysia
The increased prevalence of obesity,
unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyle among
Malaysian adolescents has become a public health concern.
A cohort study was conducted among adolescents (aged
13-years) attending 15 public secondary schools from the
Central (Kuala Lumpur and Selangor) and Northern (Perak)
Regions of Peninsular Malaysia.
This study is to identify the trends of self-
reported physical activity (PA) levels, dietary intake, body
composition and muscle strength. The self-reported PA
was assessed using a validated Malay version of the PA
Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C). Fasting blood
samples were collected to investigate their lipid profiles.
Anthropometrical measurements which include height,
weight, waist, hip circumferences, hand grip and body fat
percentage were all measured using calibrated scale. The
7-day diet histories of habitual food intake were conducted
by qualified dietitians and nutritionists. The data were
collected in 2012, 2014 and 2016 respectively.
From the baseline data, it appears that obese
adolescents in rural schools consumed more energy
and sugar (1987.6 ± 374.0 kcal/d and 48.9 ± 23.0 g/d)
(p-value <0.001). A downward trend in the PA level was
seen in all categories with a significant reduction among
all rural adolescents (P = 0.013) and more specifically, PA
among girls residing in rural areas dropped significantly
(P = 0.006). After controlling for ethnicity, place of
residency and body mass index (BMI), there was a positive
relationship between hand grip strength and the intake of
energy at the age of 15 years old.
Adolescents appears to be less active generally
as they are growing but female living in rural areas
experienced more body fat increment with the reduction
of physical activity. A structured intervention study for the
adolescents is needed for better health.