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Journal of Nutrition and Human Health | Volume 3
May 23-24, 2019 | Vienna, Austria
Joint Event
International Conference on
Gastroenterology and Digestive Disor
International Conference on
Nutrition and Fitness
Effect of
Eurycoma longifolia
on testosterone negative feedback loop regulation
Ashril Yusof, Chan KQ, Claire ES, Neil C
Sareena HH
University of Malaya, Malaysia
urycoma longifolia is an herbal supplement used as an
alternative medicine to up-regulate testosterone levels
for hypogonadism as well as sport performance. Using
an animal model, EL is postulated to boost testosterone
by interfering with its negative feedback loop. This study
aimed to assess the effect of EL on-testosterone regulation
in young healthy men.
Following ethical approval and informed consent, in a
double blind matched-paired study, sixteen males (24.4
± 4.7 years; 1.74 ± 0.07 m; 73.7 ± 8.4 kg) (n = 8/group),
received 600 mg/day EL or placebo for 2 weeks. Blood
samples were collected on days (D) 1 and 14 for analysis of
androgens and liver functions.
EL resulted in a significant increase (0.97 ng/ml) in
testosterone (p=0.043) at D14 vs D1. Significant differences
from D1 vs D14 (p < 0.05) in EL vs placebo were observed
in free testosterone (24.7%), oestrogen (17.0%) and
luteinising-hormone (LH; -7.81%). Changes in follicular-
stimulating-hormone (FSH; 7.6%), sex-hormone-binding-
globulin (1.3%), aspartate-aminotransferase (3.1%) and
alanine-aminotransferase (3.3%) were not different
between groups. Supplementation of EL in young healthy
men significantly increased testosterone levels, however,
the secretion of LH and FSH, did not decrease.
These preliminary data, therefore, suggest an interference
of the testosterone negative feedback loop in the presence
of EL. Importantly, the increase in testosterone is within
the normal healthy range for humans and the liver function
tests suggest the dosage is safe for human consumptions.
In conclusion, consuming 600 mg/day EL for 14 days,
would have positive outcomes on testosterone and other
anabolic hormone levels. In turn, the findings could be
extended into studies involving; sports and exercise
performance, rate of injury recovery and decreasing
testosterone with age.