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Journal of Nutrition and Human Health | Volume 3
May 23-24, 2019 | Vienna, Austria
Joint Event
International Conference on
Gastroenterology and Digestive Disor
International Conference on
Nutrition and Fitness
The need for ethical leadership has never been greater
Mark Hollingsworth
The Nutrition Society, UK
he presentation examines the structure of ethical
leadership. Leaders who put their personal interests
first, who see leadership as power, are identified through
links with corruption, nepotism, egoism, and abuse of
power. They avoid the truth, do not take responsibility for
their actions, often simply to cover their own tail, or to
make themselves look good. Ethical leaders however act
in accord with their conscience, when called upon, risking
their careers by pursuing a more expansive vision of the
organisational, institution, national or local interest in
opposition to internal and/or external popular opinion or
pressure. Such leaders are naturally humble, trustworthy,
honest, considerate, charismatic and fair. They set high
standards through personal example, becoming the role
model and champion for the importance of ethics. Ethical
leaders are able to recognise ethical dilemmas, the trigger
situations and ‘inner voice’ which alerts them to certain
challenging situations. However, recognising ethical
dilemmas is one thing, deciding how to manage them
is somewhat different. Ethical leaders have developed
systems to assist them in dealing effectively with ethical
dilemmas. In summary, to act ethically requires one key
trait: Courage. In practice this means to be a true ethical
leader, to engender deep trust and loyalty, starts with
telling the truth. Telling those being led not what they
want to hear, but rather what they need to hear is ethical
leadership in action.