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Joint Event
February 21-22, 2019 | Paris, France
Microbiology & Applied
International Conference on
World Congress on
Wound Care, Tissue Repair
and Regenerative Medicine
Journal of Trauma and Critical Care | Volume 3
Biosynthetic regulation of echinocandin B: From pathway specific to environmental cues responsive
Arvind Kumar
Antresh Kumar
Central University of South Bihar, India
chinocandin B is a well-known potent antifungal which
is considered to be the front-line antifungal against the
treatment of candida infections due to the rare emergence of
resistance. It is a cyclic hexapeptide synthesized by the two ecd
and hty gene clusters of
Emericella rugulosa
NRRL 11440. It acts
on the fungal cell wall by blocking the 1,3 β- glucan synthase
activity. The present work is targeted to elucidate the regulation
of echinocandin B biosynthesis. For this, we have deleted the
ecdB transcription factor encoded gene, located in the ecd gene
cluster by homologous recombination. This deletion of ecdB in
Emericella rugulosa
NRRL 11440 was successfully made and
completely arrogate the ecdB expression. The ecdB deletion
did not significantly affect the echinocandin B production
and found to be similar to the wild type. Furthermore, the
expressions of other genes of the ecd and hty cluster were also
not significantly altered in the knockout background. We also
focused to explore the role of pH and nitrogenous sources on
echinocandin B production. Unlike Nitrate which has repressive
function, arginine remarkably increased the echinocandin B
production by 10 folds as compared to the nitrate. Remarkably
production of echinocandin B was induced suitably at acidic
pH (range 4.5- 6.6), highest production was observed at 6.6 pH
which is two folds higher than 4.5 pH. Taken together our results
indicate that in-clustered transcription factor ecdB may have
no direct role in the regulation of echinocandin B biosynthesis
while environmental cues, nitrogen and pH-responsive global
regulatory factors are involved in the regulation of Echinocandin
B biosynthesis in
Emericella rugulosa
NRRL 11440.
arv.mbt@gmail.comJ Trauma Crit Care, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4066/2591-7358-C1-003