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Joint Event
February 21-22, 2019 | Paris, France
Microbiology & Applied
International Conference on
World Congress on
Wound Care, Tissue Repair
and Regenerative Medicine
Journal of Trauma and Critical Care | Volume 3
Bacteriophages as promising biomedical tools
Pilar Domingo Calap
University of Valencia, Spain
acteriophages or phages are natural predators of bacteria.
Despite their discovery one century ago, phages are
nowadays proposed as interesting tools in biomedical fields,
mainly due to the emergence of multi drug resistant bacteria.
Indeed, phages can be used in prevention, diagnosis and as
therapeutic tools against not only pathogenic bacteria. In this
view, phages canbe engineered to fight against other pathogens
like viruses, fungi, or even to specifically treat tumour cells.
Drug discovery, vaccine development, antibody engineering,
epitope mapping, gene/drug delivery or enzyme technology
are examples of the potential use of phages in clinics. The large
potential of phages as biomedical tools is increasing, thanks to
their easy manipulation, high specificity and low production
cost. Creation of adequate regulatory protocols and ethical
concerns will help in the success of phage in clinics, and to the
general acceptance by the general public.
domingocalap@gmail.comJ Trauma Crit Care, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4066/2591-7358-C1-003