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June 06-07, 2019 | London, UK



International Conference on

Tissue Science and Molecular Biology,

Stem Cells & Separation Techniques

Joint Event

Biomedical Research (An International Journal of Medical Sciences) | ISSN: 0976-1683 Volume 30


Antifouling grafting of nanofiltration membranes: New insights into membrane foul-

ing mechanisms

Ghulam Mustafa, Kenny Wyns, Anita Buekenhoudt


Vera Meynen

Karachi University, Pakistan


embrane technology can be a flexible and viable

long-term strategy for water treatment. However,

prosperous and effective application of membrane technology

has been hampered by membrane fouling induced by a

wide spectrum of components in water. Particularly,

dissolved natural organic matter (DNOM), a major organic

constituent in surface water, has been considered to be

a significant foulant, strongly reducing the membranes

performance especially for NF (nanofiltration) membranes.

Furthermore, it is well known that membrane fouling by

DNOM is significantly enhanced in the presence of divalent

cations (e.g. Ca


). Despite much research and industrial

developments since the early 1960’s, membrane fouling

and especially irreversible fouling remains challenging

and in-depth studies on mechanisms and solutions for

irreversible fouling of inorganic membranes are lacking.

We have developed a smart surface functionalization

method to decrease the fouling tendency by preventing

the undesired adsorption or adhesion of foulants. Focus is

put on two approaches for robust surface functionalization

of ceramic NF membranes using Grignard reagents and

phosphonic acids. The fouling tendency of polymeric and

(surface functionalized) ceramic membranes by DNOM has

been investigated. The effect of inorganic ions on fouling

was different for hydrophilic and hydrophobic membranes.

In hydrophilic membranes, irreversible fouling decreased

in the presence of calcium, while an increase was seen for

hydrophobic membranes. However, methyl functionalized

membranes prepared via Grignard grafting remained

unfouledwith andwithout calcium. This gives interesting new

insights into the membrane fouling mechanisms.

Secondly, the fouling tendency of these membranes

was also tested using different model foulant solutions

and real stream waters. Experimental results revealed

that grafting of NF TiO


membranes by the mentioned

techniques definitely decreases their fouling tendency.

Especially methyl functionalized membrane (Grignard

method) exhibited a significantly lower propensity to

foul throughout all measurements using model foulants

solutions. Moreover, the antifouling tendency of this

particular membrane has proved also excellent in different

real streams: real surface water (tested also at pilot scale),

olive oil waste water and produced water. All the results

can be elegantly explained taking into account the physico-

chemical properties of membranes and foulants and their

specific interactions.

Speaker Biography

Ghulam Mustafa graduated from University of Leipzig in the field of

structural chemistry and spectroscopy and completed PhD form the

University of Antwerp in the field of Chemistry (Materials Science,

Membrane Science and Engineering, Separation and purification

technologies, Water science) in the year 2016. He worked as a

researcher in the Laboratory of Adsorption and Catalysis UA & Unit

Separation and Conversion Technology VITO Belgium. From 2017 to

present he is working as a assistant professor and as a researcher in

Karachi University.


Ghulam Mustafa et al.

, Biomed Res, Volume 30

ISSN: 0976-1683