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June 06-07, 2019 | London, UK
International Conference on
Tissue Science and Molecular Biology,
Stem Cells & Separation Techniques
Joint Event
Biomedical Research (An International Journal of Medical Sciences) | ISSN: 0976-1683 Volume 30
Structural properties of oxidized LDL receptor LOX-1 as a therapeutic target for athero-
sclerosis and cancers – significance of LOX-1 structure and dynamics in terms of drug
design and drug delivery
Shin-Ichi Tate
Hiroshima University, Japan
therosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the
arterial wall which causes cardiacmorbidity andmortality.
Atherogenesis is ignitedby oxidized LDL (OxLDL) stimulation to
the endothelial cells through the binding to OxLDL receptors
on the cells. Lectin-like OxLDL receptor-1 (LOX-1) is the major
OxLDL expressed on the endothelial cells. The basic level of
LOX-1 expression is low in the normal cells. In the early stage
of atherogenesis, OxLDL binding to LOX-1 elevates the LOX-
1 expression to progress the cell dysfunction further, which
eventually ends in the atheromatous plaque formation. LOX-1
cells. LOX-1 is, therefore, quite a promising therapeutic
target for the two major diseases including cardiovascular
diseases and cancers. My group has been working on the
structural characterization of LOX-1, starting from structure
determination of the LOX-1 ligand binding domain, structure
dynamics of the LOX-1 extracellular domain and the modes
of the ligand recognition on the cell surface that provides the
basic ideas for drug delivery exclusively to the dysfunctioned
cells in the atherosclerotic lesions. In this presentation, I am
going to summarize the structure and dynamics of LOX-1 and
show how such structural properties can be applied to the
therapeutical purposes.
Speaker Biography
Shin-Ichi Tate has completed his PhD from the University of Tokyo, Japan.
He has been working on protein structure and dynamics primarily using
NMR. His current interest is in the intrinsically disordered proteins, but
he continues the researches on the disease relating proteins like LOX-1.
He has 144 publications that have been cited over 1,400 times.
tate@hiroshima-u.ac.jpShin-Ichi Tate
, Biomed Res, Volume 30
ISSN: 0976-1683