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Journal of Nutrition and Human Health | Volume 3
May 23-24, 2019 | Vienna, Austria
Joint Event
International Conference on
Gastroenterology and Digestive Disor
International Conference on
Nutrition and Fitness
Deliverables in functional foods: Concept to product in the Indian context
Asna Urooj
University of Mysore, India
he design and development of functional foods is a key
issue, as well as a scientific challenge, which should rely
on basic scientific knowledge relevant to target functions
and their possible modulation by food components.
Functional foods themselves are not universal and a food-
based approach would have to be influenced by local
considerations. In contrast, a science-based approach to
functional food is universal. The function-driven approach
has the science base as its foundation. Several foods in the
traditional Indian cuisine have been used since ancient
times for their medicinal value. Today, the bio actives
present in them have been identified and recognized for
various biological activities. Several herbs and spices of
Indian origin are reported to have health benefits. In order
to gain a broader understanding of the functional foods/
ingredients/ herbs in the Indian diet, my research group
is exploring several aspects related to the development
of functional foods employing a systematic approach
viz., identify potential functional ingredients, study their
techno functional properties, nutrient bioavailability and
biological responses to functional foods/ ingredients.
In addition, the effect of processing on their functional
properties is also studied. Attempts have been made to
understand the mechanism of action to facilitate its use
in the functional food formulations. The selected food/
bioactive is then subjected to toxicity studies prior to
undertaking clinical studies. Some such highlights are
mentioned here - determinants of functionality in cereals
and legumes were source of starch, cooking methods, food
form and food composition. Use of mixed cereals/ pulses
resulted in lowering the starch digestibility and glycemic
responses in the traditional foods. Germination of legumes
increased the glycemic responses, while addition of barley
and cinnamon in bread,
lowered the
glycemic responses in in type 2 diabetic subjects. It is
important to develop effective synergies between science
and functional foods for the benefit of the consumer.
Speaker Biography
Asna Urooj, obtained her MSc and PhD in Food science & Nutrition, from
University of Mysore and she is a Professor and Chairperson at post-
graduate Department of Studies in Food science & Nutrition, University
of Mysore, India. Her areas of research are Diabetes, Starch digestibility
& glycemic responses, Natural antioxidants, Anti-hyperglycemic and
hypolipidemic effects of medicinal plants and Disease specific food
formulations. She has completed 11 research projects funded by UGC,
DST, MHRD, and BBSRC-UK. She has 176 research papers published in
peer reviewed journals, with 2740 citations with h-index of 26.