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Biol Med Case Rep 2017 | Volume 1 Issue 2

November 06-07, 2017 | New Orleans, USA

Nanomedicine & Healthcare

Global Meet on


oxicoses caused by low-quality food, pharmaceutical

treatment or environmental pollution can be successfully

treated only due to the usage of different enterosorbents.

Nanosilicas (fumed silica) are the most advantageous

for binding toxins of protein origin. Moreover, they can

deactivate pathogenic flora, act as a carrier of chemical

and natural medicinal substances, and improve their

biological activity. When used in combination with several

types pf biopolymers, they may regulate the release rate of

active substances. The above-mentioned properties make

competitive advantage over products with similar purposes,

currently available on the market. Last time, it creates a

wide range of composite systems based on nanosilica, which

possess strong detoxifying effect, adaptogenic, antioxidant

and immune modulating properties, and to develop methods

of action prolongation immobilized on the surface of silica-

carrier biologically active substances and development

of efficient methods improving biological activity of

antibiotics due to specific binding of them by silicas or their

composites with biopolymeric agents. The most promising

is the usage of medicinal products and biologically active

additives, produced based on nanosilica, in industrial areas

and for people with low income. With the development

of nanochemistry, the unique ability of nanooxides to

participate in structuration of adjacent water layer was

discovered. Because of the interactions between water and

nanoparticles, interfacial water decomposes to produce a

system nanosized water clusters separated by silica particles.

It appears that properties of such nano-structured water are

very different from the properties of bulk water. Such water

is capable to have different dissolving abilities, for example

it does not dissolve polar compounds such as mineral

acids and hydrogen peroxide, and also it may form weakly

associated water domains with non-polar compounds and

not participate in formation of hydrogen bonds. As a result,

upon contact of silica nanoparticles with cellular objects a

strong effect on cell metabolism occurs which is probably

due to retention of nutrients and stimulation of receptor

systemnear the cell membranes. Then, due to the interaction

between nanoparticles of silica-carrier and immobilized

on its surface, biologically active substances stimulation

of mucous membrane cells will occur, which leads to the

growth of biological availability of the products. The main

problem in the area of development and introduction of

biologically active additives and pharmaceuticals is the

conduction of pre-clinical and clinical trials. Conduction of

such trials requires significant financial investments, which

small and medium-sized enterprises usually can’t afford.

At present time Macrosorb LT company together with the

Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry have developed a line

of ready to use biologically active additives for detoxification

of the body (Silasita), characterized by high antioxidant and

immunostimulating activity (Balzasil), for lymph purification

(Lymphodren), series of fitosils for preventive care and

treatment of number of diseases.

Speaker Biography

Lyudmila Suvorova is a candidate of medical sciences, an expert in the field of nano and

biotechnology in the direction of medicine. CEO of Macrosorb LT. The initiator of the

creation of the direction is the UNITED GLOBAL HEALTH, the health of the environment,

plants, animals, food safety and man in a closed cycle. Leader in the direction of

social and inclusive business, GREEN economy for transition countries; participant

of 4 projects HORIZON 2020 of the European Union. Suvorova L.A. Is a co-author of

12 scientific articles, co-author of the textbook for universities: “ NANOCHEMISTRY

in solving the problems of ENDO and exo ecology” and the author of 1 patent. .

The company MacrosorbLT conducts experimental work and the introduction into

practical application of Nanobiocomposite products in the field of nanomedicine and

agriculture, water and soil purification.


Nanosilicas as bioactive substances, drug deliverymeans and activator of pharmacological actionof natural

or synthetic biologically active substances

L A Suvorova



V V Turov



Macrosor. LT, Europe


Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry, Ukraine