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Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology | Volume 3
October 07-08, 2019 | Frankfurt, Germany
Materials Science and Engineering
International Conference on
Mater Sci Nanotechnol, Volume 3
he use of computational modelling and simulation offers
new understanding of material responses in tribological
contacts. Modeling of changes in material due to surface
loading, and calculations of stresses and strains help to
understand the mechanisms that result in e.g. surface
cracking, wear particle formation and wear. The multi-scale
modelling of metal matrix composite coating generated
using microstructural material model allowed evaluation
of stresses, strains occurring under tribological loading.
Modeling also enabled the estimations of damage tolerance
of the coating, and provided predictions on the effect of
microstructural features on wear resistance in abrasive and
erosive conditions. Good agreement was found between the
tribological experiments andmodeling. The simulation results
showed that the microstructural modelling is a practical tool
for the digital materials design of wear resistant materials.
Modeling can also be applied to generate digital twins of
tribological tests. Combining the modeling with experimental
results on laboratory scale tests and on the larger component
scale, a Lab-to-Field upscaling tool will be generated to bridge
the gap between the model and larger scale component
tests. By modeling based Lab-to-field up-scaling tool it will
be possible to decrease the number of expensive component
and higher scale experiments and thus achieve more cost-
effective materials up-scaling for tribological applications.
Speaker Biography
Ronkainen Helena is a Principle Scientist at VTT Technical Research Centre
of Finland. She obtained her
M.Sc.degree in Mechanical Engineering
and Dr. (Tech) degreed in Materials Science from the Helsinki University
of Technology (at present Aalto University). She has worked in the field
of tribology over 30 years and carried out tribology research to provide
solutions for energy and material efficiency and she has more than 90
papers in peer-reviewed international scientific journals. The main areas
of interest have been surface coatings and materials to provide low friction
and high wear resistance for various applications, including the use of
computer modeling and simulation to increase the understanding of wear
phenomena. Her current research interest has been the wear resistance
of polymers, particularly the abrasive wear performance of polymers.
Helena.ronkainen@vtt.fiRonkainen Helena
VTT Technical Research Centre, Finland
Modeling approaches for tribological applications