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Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology | Volume 3
October 07-08, 2019 | Frankfurt, Germany
Materials Science and Engineering
International Conference on
Mater Sci Nanotechnol, Volume 3
he durability of fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) has been
the subject of continuing research for over 65 years. Initial
studies focused on aerospace applications; later, emphasis
shifted to infrastructure. The reliability of adhesive joints
used in aircraft construction has resulted in increased use of
composites. Comparable progress in the infrastructure sector
is lagging due in part to the absence of a common durability
testing protocol compounded by the inherent variability of
wet lay-up applications using ambient cure resins.
Since durability evaluates performance of bonded assemblies,
the effects of surface preparation, the interface, adhesive, the
curing regime and exposure are automatically considered.
Among researchers, there are significant variation in these
parameters. This is a major reason for the relative lack of
progress. For example, immersion in distilled water used for
evaluating FRP-steel durability is taken from a 1960’s pass /
fail protocol intended to screen materials and has no bearing
to actual service conditions of bridge repairs.
This presentation re-visits durability testing protocols used in
research. The intent is to critically review exposures that were
evaluated with a view to defining a common testing protocol
for consideration by all researchers. Commonality in test
parameters will enable findings from disparate studies to be
aggregated and used to develop predictivemodels correlating
test results to service performance obtained from full scale
demonstration projects. Increased confidence in long term
durability of adhesive joints will promote greater FRP use.
Speaker Biography
Rajan Sen is Professor of Structural Engineering at USF where he held
the Samuel & Julia Flom Chair and joint appointments in Architecture &
Engineering. As NAS Jefferson Science Fellow at US Department of State,
Washington DC he served as delegate to UNISDR at UN Geneva, on NSTC's
Disaster Reduction/Infrastructure subcommittees and was a contributing
member of the Science Coordination Working Group’s Presidential
Hurricane Sandy Task Force. On Editorial board of ASCE’s Composites for
Construction, he was Conference Chair for FRPRCS 10, served on several
NSF and NAS review panels, has been NSF delegate to conferences
worldwide, authored over 250 publications, edited two books, holds 3
patents, has been active in FRP field research on durability and marine
corrosion repair funded by NAS, NSF, Army Corp of Engineers and FDOT.
A member of ACI 440 and TRB AFF80 committees, he previously worked
on design standards at BES Department of Transport, London, UK. An
honor graduate of IIT KGP, he holds graduate degrees in Civil Engineering
from University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada and SUNY,
Buffalo. He is Fellow of ACI & ASCE, Distinguished Faculty Fellow at Office
of Naval Research CISD, and registered professional engineer in Florida.
sen@usf.eduRajan Sen
University of South Florida
Durability testing of FRP: The way forward