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Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology | Volume 3
October 07-08, 2019 | Frankfurt, Germany
Materials Science and Engineering
International Conference on
Mater Sci Nanotechnol, Volume 3
he Bayer process for leaching bauxite with caustic soda to
produce aluminum oxide and the Hall-Héroult process for
the extraction of aluminum using fused-salt electrolysis were
decisive in providing the basis in 1888 for the production of
aluminum on an industrial scale. Aluminum production is
still based on these processes today. In the beginning, the
introduction of these technologies was somewhat slow;
there was a lack of suitable production equipment and a
lack of markets for aluminum. Increased aircraft production
resulting from the First World War created new demand and
forced production to follow suit. This article describes the
development of alumina production technology. The Tube
Digestion Technology for processing monohydrate bauxites at
high-temperatures, which Vereinigte Aluminium Werke A.G.
(VAW) brought into industrial production as long ago as 1956,
is now used in numerous modern alumina plants.
Speaker Biography
Horst D Peters studied Business Administration and Economics in Hamburg
and Göttingen as well as Mining in Berkeley, USA, and Clausthal. He was
awarded the degrees of Dipl.-Vw. and Dipl.-Kfm. and subsequently graduated
as he began his professional career at Preussag AG Metall in Goslar and
Hannover. From there he moved to Kaiser Aluminium & Chemical Corp. in
Oakland, USA, where his fields of activity were bauxite mining in Jamaica and
investment control at the alumina plants and aluminium smelters in the USA.
In 1977 he started working for VAW Aluminium in Bonn. From 1992 to 2003
he was managing director of VAW Aluminium-Technologie GmbH. He then
became Vice President Aluminium at EN+ Group Ltd. in London and Moscow
as well as being a board member at Rusal from 2004 to 2008. He now heads
the consulting firmATC (AluminiumTechnology Consultants).
horst.d.peters@web.deHorst D Peters
Aluminium Technology Consultants (ATC), Germany
Development of high temperature tube digestion technology for