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Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology | Volume 3
October 07-08, 2019 | Frankfurt, Germany
Materials Science and Engineering
International Conference on
Mater Sci Nanotechnol, Volume 3
used Deposition Modelling (FDM) is among the affordable
additive manufacturing techniques used to to process
complex three-dimensional designs with weak dependancy
on the production tool. Well-known feedstock materials such
as ABS, PLA were successfully printed using FDM. Despite the
increasing research effort directed towards FDM, there is still
a gap in the literature about the printability of some materials
such as the one considered in this study, namely acrylonitrile
styrene acrylate (ASA). The effect of FDM processing
conditions is considerted on the thermal and mechanical
properties of ASA. The feedstock material is characterised
using differential scanning calorimetry and tensile testing.
Infra-red measurements are used to capture the thermal
signature of the ASA filament during laying down process for
various printing temperatures. Both X-ray micro-computed
tomography and mechanical testing are undertaken
on printed ASA as a function of the process conditions.
Finite element computation is considered to preodict the
perfromance of the printed material and to gain further in-
sights on the deformation mechanisms. The experimental
results show that the printability of ASA is reduced to a
narrow range of printing tempratures. A loss of mechanical
performance is also observed, which is found dependant on
the printing temperature. The numerical results demontrate
that the observed mechanical perroamnce is reflected by
the nature and extent of defect generated by the processing.
Speaker Biography
Guessasma S is a mechanical engineering scientist, a by-fellow of the
Churchill college, University of Cambrige, UK, and a high-end foreign expert
in China. He is presently a senior scientist at INRA (France) conducting a
research activity in the field of additive manufacturing of biosourced
materials. He has a key interest on hot topics in mechanical engineering,
processing and materials science. He has several contributions related to
the microstructural interpretation of material performance, mechanical
modelling, image analysis, and in-situ experiments. He published over 120
papers in different research fields.
sofiane.guessasma@inra.frGuessasma S
Belhabib S
INRA, France
Université - IUT de Nantes, France
Fused deposition modelling of acrylonitrile styrene acrylate and
related mechanical performance