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Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology | Volume 3
October 07-08, 2019 | Frankfurt, Germany
Materials Science and Engineering
International Conference on
Mater Sci Nanotechnol, Volume 3
aterials of extreme wetting properties offer new
perspectives in the design and preparation of
water-repellent, oil-repellent, self-cleaning, dirt-free, anti-
adhesive, anti-icing, anti-microbial materials which can have
numerous applications in various sectors from the electronics,
automobile, aircraft, construction and medical industries, to
membrane filtration and water harvesting technologies,
coating manufacturers and preservation of the cultural
heritage. Extreme wettabilities, with very high or low static
water contact angle and hysteresis, are typically observed
on micro/nanoscale binary structured surfaces which can be
found in nature, such as for instance, in the leaves of lotus and
rice, in the petals of rose, in the feet of gecko and the feathers
of duck.
In the last two decades enormous effort was devoted to
understand the relationship between the natural binary
structures and wettability and to fabricate artificial surfaces
of extreme wetting properties thus mimicking nature and
producing biomimetics surfaces. In this paper the relevant
fundamental concepts and progress will be discussed and
key strategies to achieve extreme wetting properties will
be presented. Emphasis will be placed on superomniphobic
coatings which can be deposited on large scale surfaces and
can be therefore used for the protection and preservation
of the cultural, including buildings of architectural charm
and historical significance. The present investigation
also encompasses evaluation of other properties of the
multifunctional coatings such as, for instance, their durability
and transparency.
Speaker Biography
Ioannis Karapanagiotis is an Associate Professor of the Department of
Management and Conservation of Ecclesiastical Cultural Heritage Objects,
University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki, Greece. He has obtained
his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from The University of
Minnesota, United States, and his Diploma in Chemical Engineering from
the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. His research interests are
diverse ranging from wetting phenomena, interfacial engineering and
nanomaterials to the development of novel methods for the protection/
conservation of the cultural heritage and the characterization and analysis
of cultural heritage materials which are found in historic monuments,
paintings, icons, textiles, manuscripts. He serves as a member in Editorial
Boards and reviewer in several journals (more than 90), and he has
published multiple research papers (more than 140) in peer reviewed
journals, books and conference proceedings.
y.karapanagiotis@aeath.grIoannis Karapanagiotis
University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki, Greece
Nanostructured biomimetics surfaces of extreme wetting properties