Mass Spectrometry Congress 2018
Application of Mass Spectrometry | Ionization Techniques
Chromatography | HPLC
GC-C-IRMS and 1H-NMR characterization of synthetic bis(methylthio)methane
in truffle flavorings
Monica Bononi,
University of Milan, Italy
Automation of sample preparation for mass spectrometry in biomedical projects
Nazariy Souchelnytskyi,
Qatar University, Qatar
Down-regulation of p53 by SETcontributes toTCE-induced DNA damage through
inhibition of H3K79 di-methylation
Jianjun Liu,
Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China
Characterisation of luxury animal fibers and fur through LC-QTOF analysis
Riccardo Dall’Anese,
Buzzi Lab, Italy
HPLC-Fluorescence Method for the Enantioselective Analysis of Propranolol in Rat
Serum Using Immobilized Polysaccharide-Based Chiral Stationary Phase
Aymen k. Al- Suwailem,
King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
The Role of Programmed Cell Death 'Apoptosis' in the Development of Inner
Sulcus in the Cochlea
Tarfa M Peter,
Gombe State University, Nigeria
High throughput proteomic analysis using different OFFGel fractionation panels
Sameh Magdeldin,
Suez Canal University, Egypt
Journey of Mass Spectrometry
Lokesh Kumar Gupta,
TEVA API India Pvt. Limited, India
Session Chair
Jianjun Liu
Shenzhen Center for
Disease Control and
Prevention, China
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Session Introduction