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Journal of Systems Biology & Proteome Research
Volume 2
J u n e 2 5 - 2 7 , 2 0 1 8 | D u b l i n , I r e l a n d
International Conference on
Lokesh Kumar Gupta, J Syst Biol Proteome Res 2018, Volume 2
Lokesh Kumar Gupta
TEVA API India Pvt. Limited, India
rom decades spectrometry has been accepted as a key analytical tool for
understanding and characterization of molecules in chemistry, the level of
world-wide research activity in this field promises that these capabilities will
continue to improve, rapidly. Over the period of time sensitivity of spectros-
copy tools have been improved to work at micro level and in more depth, ulti-
mately become a faster research tool; such tools now being used as process
analytical tools (PAT) giving online understanding of characteristics of a mol-
ecule during research/development and in production. Same time their utili-
zation has widen up by coupling these tools with liquid chromatography, and
thermal measurement tools e.g. (LC-MS-MS, LC-NMR, DSC-FTIR……..etc.).
Mass spectroscopy has achieved horizons from single quadrupole to triple
quadrupole, MS-TOF & the Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-
of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) these have become a powerful
and widespread analytical tool in life science and health sector. The dynam-
ic mass range (1-300 kDa), high accuracy and sensitivity make it a superior
method for analysis of all kinds of biomolecules including proteins, nucleic
acids, metabolites and carbohydrates. Particularly in drug discovery, where
compound identification and purity from synthesis and early pharmacokinet-
ics are determined, MS has proved indispensable outcomes. Today, the MS
practitioner can choose among a range of ionization techniques which have
become robust and trustworthy on a variety of instruments with demonstrat-
ed capabilities. In combination with 2D-elelectrophoresis, MALDI-TOF-MS is
particularly suitable for the identification of protein spots via mass fingerprint
or micro sequencing. Same time MS-TOF is widely used in pharmaceutical
word, TOF has improved the sensitivity by increasing the path length in TOF
tube, so ion remain in path of light for longer time increasing sensitivity, on
other side measurement tolls has been improved to see the mass number in
several digits can differentiate molecules having closure mass and differen-
tiating isotopes. Software calculates elemental formula, for which confirma-
tion performed by comparing theoretical fragments to the obtained TOF -MS/
MS of molecule. In this review I had evaluated and focused on advancement
and updates in MS field, with respect to technology update & applications.
Lokesh Kumar Gupta has completed his PhD at
the age of 25 years by researching in University
of Delhi and Ch. CS University Meerut, India. He
is an analytical research scientist and serving
as Chief Manager of Analytical R&D team with
TEVA India (a world leader in generic pharma-
ceuticals). Focusing on pharmaceutical-re-
search, cGMP compliance aspects and con-
ducting technical trainings to pharmaceutical
scientists. He is participating and discussing
his commended research in several national/
international seminars/conferences. Apart from
several awards and recognitions, Dr. Gupta had
published 45 research articles in peer reviewed
reputed journals of chemistry & spectroscopy
and serving as an eminent referee for several
journal of international repute.