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Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry
Volume 2
International Conference on
J u n e 1 8 - 2 0 , 2 0 1 8 | D u b l i n , I r e l a n d
Erin Cloherty et al., J Ind Environ Chem 2018, Volume 2 | DOI: 10.4066/2591-7331-C1-002
Erin Cloherty, Jackie Umana, Xenia Caballero, Hilda B M
Romero, David Stewart, Shaun Broadley, Eric Guidry, Cynthia
Harrison, Carrie Cottone
Claudia Riegel
Termite and Rodent Control Board, USA
verdependence on the use of insecticides has led to the resistance
in mosquito populations and has created significant challenges
in controlling mosquitoes globally. In 2016, the City of New Orleans
Mosquito Control Board evaluated a pulverized perlite product (Imergard-
WP, Imerys, Paris, France) against three species of mosquitoes in the field
and in the laboratory. Control of the mosquitoes was strictly mechanical
and formulation did not contain a chemical insecticide. Twenty sites
were selected, 10 treated (Imergard) and 10 controls (water) with similar
structure and yard size. Yards were inspected for breeding-sites and
assessed for optimal-application. A two-week baseline survey was taken
to attain preliminary mosquito populations. The exterior of residences
were treated as well as wood chips which were placed under houses with
subsamples pulled weekly for bioassay. Imergard had a 96% mortality
rate against
Aedes aegypti
, a mortality rate of 85% against Aedes
albopictus and a 93% mortality rate against
Culex quinquefasciatus
in the
bioassay, eight weeks after application. The study was repeated in Monte
Verde, Honduras in 2017. The houses in Monte Verde were substandard
and were open to mosquito invasion. This location is an area of active
Dengue, chikungunya and Zika virus transmission. Mosquito pressure
was monitored by BG Sentinel-2 traps (Biogents AG, Regensburg,
Germany) and ovicups. Sites were monitored for ten weeks. Bioassays
were conducted with cement chips to mimic housing structures.
Mosquito control is not always affordable, accessible, or is restricted. A
non-chemical, low-cost option would provide greater access to mosquito
control around the world.
Erin Cloherty is an Entomologist at the City of
New Orleans Mosquito, Termite and Rodent
Control Board. She has completed her MSPH
in Tropical Medicine and Parasitology at Tulane
University School of Public Health and Tropical
Medicine in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. She
is responsible for many academic and compa-
ny-sponsored research projects that span mul-
tiple disciplines in the USA and internationally.
She has lectured on Integrated Pest Manage-
ment in certification classes for professionals
nationally and internationally, to the public and
to organizations (AMCA, NPMA). She also does
community outreach with our Mosquito Control
operations team and collaborates with other
city agencies.