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Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry
Volume 2
International Conference on
J u n e 1 8 - 2 0 , 2 0 1 8 | D u b l i n , I r e l a n d
M Antónia Nunesa et al., J Ind Environ Chem 2018, Volume 2 | DOI: 10.4066/2591-7331-C1-002
M Antónia Nunes
, Anabela S G Costa
, Sílvia Bessada
Joana Santos
, Helder Puga
, Rita C Alves
, Vitor Freitas
, M
P P Oliveira
REQUIMTE/LAQV, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, Portugal
Centre for Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems, University of Minho, Guimarães,
REQUIMTE/LAQV, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
ver the last years, olive oil production increased worldwide. Along with
the growth of this agro-industry sector, a high rate of residues has
been produced. Olive pomace is the major output of olive oil processing.
This olive by-product is a solid residue with high water and oil contents,
being phytotoxic, due to its significant phenolics amount [1]. Nonetheless,
phenolics are bioactive compounds with well-recognized benefits
for human health and well-being [2]. Therefore, there is an increasing
awareness to recover and apply these compounds on innovative food and/
or cosmetic products. In order to assess the biocompounds composition
of olive pomace, the proximate composition (total protein and lipids,
ash, and moisture) and the profiles of vitamin E (HPLC-DAD-FLD), fatty
acids (GC-FID) and phenolics (HPLC-DAD-FL/MSn) were determined.
Furthermore, a sustainable process for antioxidants extraction-Multi-
frequency Multimode Modulated (MMM) ultrasonic technique – and
a conventional solid-liquid extraction were performed and compared
[3]. The total phenolics content and antioxidant activity (ferric reducing
antioxidant power and DPPH• scavenging ability) of the extracts were
analyzed in order to assess the efficacy of both extraction methodologies
[4]. The vitamin E profile of olive pomace comprised the vitamers
α-tocopherol, β-tocopherol, α-tocotrienol and γ-tocopherol. α-Tocopherol
was the major form present (2.63 mg/100 g olive pomace). The fatty acid
analysis showed that the lipid fraction of olive pomace was especially rich
in oleic acid (75%), followed by palmitic (10%), linoleic (9%), and stearic
(3%) acids. The major phenolic compounds identified were distributed
as follows: hydroxytyrosol > comselogoside > elenolic acid derivative >
tyrosol > oleoside riboside. Hydroxytyrosol content was 238.4 mg/100
g d.w. of olive pomace, while tyrosol was present in lower amount (9.6
mg/100 g). Concerning the antioxidants extraction, the MMM technique
allowed a faster (5 min) and higher recovery (p<0.05) of the compounds,
compared to the conventional solid-liquid extraction (60 min) (Figure 1).
Hence, it seems to be a very promising green and effective methodology
to extract antioxidants from olive pomace. Attending to the profile and
content of the bioactive compounds present either in lipid fraction or
M. Antónia Nunes is a PhD. student in Pharma-
ceutical Sciences (Nutrition and Food Science
Speciality) at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the
University of Porto, Portugal. She has a Degree
in Nutritional Sciences and an MSc in Consum-
er Sciences. Since 2012, she is a researcher of
REQUIMTE (Rede de Química e Tecnologia),
the largest network in Chemistry and Chemi-
cal Engineering established in Portugal, which
is focused on the development of Sustainable
Chemistry. She has professional training in
Environmental Management and Quality Man-
agement Systems. Her research activities have
been developed at the Department of Chemi-
cal Sciences of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the
University of Porto in the food chemistry and
nutrition fields. The central work that she has
been developing is related to olive oil quality
evaluation and olive oil processing by-products
valorisation. In 2014, she joined to a co-promo-
tion project funded by the National Innovation
Agency, whose work plan included the charac-
terization and valorisation of the olive oil pro-
cessing industry by-products intending their
application to the development of innovative
food and cosmetic products. From this work, it
was developed an international patent related to
olive pomace valorisation. She integrates also
projects in the area of agro-industry by-prod-
ucts valorisation working with by-products of al-
mond, pumpkin and pistachio processing. She
has publications in international indexed Scien-
tific Journals in food chemistry area as author
and co-author (10), chapter books (8), national
publications and conference proceedings (10),
and an international patent.
in the aqueous fraction of the olive pomace,
this residue is an exploitable source to
recover bioactive compounds. Olive pomace
valorization is, at this moment, mandatory,
and the added-value products that can be
obtained from it allow to foreseen new
innovative industrial applications in a circular
economy perspective.