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Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry
Volume 2
International Conference on
J u n e 1 8 - 2 0 , 2 0 1 8 | D u b l i n , I r e l a n d
Satyannarayana Panchireddy, J Ind Environ Chem 2018, Volume 2 | DOI: 10.4066/2591-7331-C1-002
Satyannarayana Panchireddy
University of Liège, Belgium
n the last 5 years, isocyanates-free polyhydroxyurethanes (PHUs),
synthesized by step-growth polymerization between biscyclic
carbonates and di- or poly-amines, have emerged as a novel class of
polyurethanes (PUs). These PHUs find promising applications in flooring,
paints, as thermoset materials or (thermal insulation) foams. PHUs can
be also exploited advantageously for designing the next generation of
high performance polyurethane adhesives. Thanks to the presence of
pendant hydroxyl groups favouring the polymer/substrate interactions,
the adhesion performances of PHUs may equal or even surpass the ones
of conventional PUs. In this contribution, we focused on the design of
novel reinforced bio- and CO2-based PHU thermosets adhesives with
high shear adhesion strength for metal substrates (aluminium and
stainless steel). The research included [I] The synthesis of a library
of bi- or multifunctional 5-membered cyclic carbonates by coupling
CO2 with (bio-based) epoxidized precursors using a novel home-made
binary organocatalyst highly performant under very mild experimental
conditions. 3–7[II] The development of solvent-free reinforced PHU
thermoset adhesives8 from various cyclic carbonate/amine/functional
fillers formulations. For all formulations, curing kinetics were monitored
by rheology to determine the gelation time and the thermo-mechanical
and physico-chemical properties of PHUs were evaluated on free-
standing films [III] The evaluation of the adhesives performances for
metal sticking:8 The adhesion of (reinforced) PHUs onto Al-2024-T3 or
stainless steel substrates was evaluated by standard cross-cut adhesion
(5B) and MEK double rubber (> 300) tests and shear adhesion strength (>
16 MPa).
Satyannarayana Panchireddy received his MSc.
degree from University of Hyderabad, India,
in 2012. He works as research assistant (DR-
DO-Junior Research Fellow) on synthesis of
norbornene derived polymers at Indian Institute
of Science Education and Research-Kolkata (IIS-
ER-K), India, in 2012-13. Hemoved to KU Leuven,
Belgium, in 2014-15, to work as research associ-
ate on polyelectrolyte thin film membranes. He
is currently PhD Researcher under supervision
of Prof. Christine Jerome, and Dr. Christophe
Detrembleur at Laboratory of Center for Educa-
tion and Research on Macromolecules (CERM),
University of Liège, Belgium, 2015-. His current
research focus on the synthesis and develop-
ment of novel sustainable non-isocyanate poly-
urethanes for innovative applications as coat-
ings and adhesives for automotive, aerospace,
electronics, footwear, pharmaceuticals etc.