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Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | ISSN: 2249-622X | Volume 8
Joint Event
Chemistry and Organic Chemistry
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
International Conference on
World Congress on
October 22-23, 2018 | Frankfurt, Germany
The mechanism of the relationship between obesity and cancer in humans
Ermoshkin Vladimir Ivanovich
Russian New University, Russia
A working group of scientists convened by the
International Agency for cancer research analyzed data from
more than 1,000 studies and found that obesity increases the
risk of 13 types of cancer.
An attempt to find and justify the true mechanism of
the relationship between obesity and cancer in humans.
Participation in international scientific conferences,
discussions with leading Russian cardiologists, search for
information in the literature.
Numerous studies show that cancer and obesity are
linked. This relationship was established in the course of a
large-scale study that lasted ten years, from 2005 to 2014.
The medical indicators of more than 630,000 people were
studied. “Obesity and overweight affect cancers, and this can
surprise many,” said Anne Schuchat, Deputy Director of Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In her words, the
13-dependent obesity types of cancer include brain cancer,
multiple myeloma, esophageal cancer, postmenopausal breast
cancer, cancer of the thyroid gland, cancer of the gallbladder,
stomach, liver, pancreas, kidneys, ovaries, uterus, colon.
Studies do not yet make it clear exactly how excessive fat
affects cancer, but scientists offer several explanations for this
relationship. Some believe that obesity leads to hormonal
disruptions and metabolic problems. This helps to increase
the levels of estrogen and insulin, and further to the growth
of inflammatory processes, which affects the processes of cell
In my opinion, the “New theory of CVD and cancer” can explain
more plausibly the relationship between obesity and cancer.
This theory proves the macro MECHANISM of many diseases
in modern people.
The new theory of CVD and cancer is finding more
and more positive arguments and facts. It is very likely that
abdominal obesity and ascites are the results of the “invisible”
work of the AV anastomoses.
Speaker Biography
Ermoshkin Vladimir Ivanovich completed his Graduation in Physics department
at Moscow State University in 1978. He has worked at Russian New University
(RosNOU) as Physicist. He took part in 5 International Conferences on Сardiology.
He has published about 20 articles on Cardiology in Prominent magazines.
vlad48@list.ruErmoshkin Vladimir Ivanovich, Chemistry and Biomedicine 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4066/2249-622X-C4-012