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Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | ISSN: 2249-622X | Volume 8
Joint Event
Chemistry and Organic Chemistry
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
International Conference on
World Congress on
October 22-23, 2018 | Frankfurt, Germany
Land and aquatic biomass derived monomers for polymers and fine chemicals
Aresta Michele
University of Bath, UK
of their extended use are pushing the scientific community
to look-for alternative feedstock. The transition frompetroleum
and natural gas feedstock to bio-based supplies is essential
for the sustainability of the chemical industry. New energy-
efficient processes, for converting bio based feedstock, will
allow industry to produce goods from domestic resources with
a substantially lower carbon emission. In this context, biomass
represents an abundant low-carbon renewable resource for the
production of bioenergy, chemicals and biomaterials, and its
enhanced use would address several societal needs. In order
to avoid any conflict with food, non-edible biomass should be
used such as wood or waste from agro-forest industry or algae.
Currently the global yield of agricultural crop residues, excluding
grass, varies from ~ 8 dry Mt ha-1y-1 to ~ 22 dry Mt ha-1y-1.
The main component of such agricultural residues is cellulose,
which represents the most abundant form of biomass, and
holds impressive potential as alternative to fossil carbon for
sustainable production of fuels and chemicals. Cellulose can be
hydrolysed into glucose using chemistry or biotechnologies. The
isomerization of D-Glucose provides D-Fructose, the platform
molecule for making 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF), a
most promising platform molecule. It is an intermediate in
the synthesis of furan derivatives that can replace chemicals
sourced from fossil carbon. Developing selective catalysts
that may use oxygen as oxidant in water for the synthesis of
fine chemicals and monomers for biopolymers is an important
issue that targets sustainability in the chemical industry. 5-HMF
and its precursors (fructose and glucose) can even undergo
ring cleavage to afford di-acids such as succinic acid and oxalic
acid. Another important source of monomers for polymers and
fine chemicals are monounsaturated fatty acids. Non eatable
oleic acid (restaurant oils, oil from algae or from tobacco and
other non-eatable plants) can be converted into mono- and
di-carboxylic acids that are useful monomers for polymers (the
latter) or additives for the cosmetic industry or can be directly
used in agrochemistry (the former). This talk will discuss a
few options for sustainable conversion of biomass derived
maresta@gmx.comChemistry and Biomedicine 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4066/2249-622X-C4-012