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Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | ISSN: 2249-622X | Volume 8
Joint Event
Chemistry and Organic Chemistry
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
International Conference on
World Congress on
October 22-23, 2018 | Frankfurt, Germany
Effect of rubidium in human cells
Y Thangam
J K K Nataraja College of Arts & Science, India
ubidium is found in igneous rocks at 90 ppm. Rubidium
is a soft, silvery-white metal. It is an element of the alkali
metal group. This metal is easily vaporized. It has a convenient
spectral absorption range, making it a frequent target for laser
manipulation of atoms. Rubidium metal reacts violently with
water. It readily reacts with skin moisture to form rubidium
hydroxide, which causes chemical burns of eyes and skin.
The metal is used in the manufacture of photocells and in
the removal of residual gases from vacuum tubes. Rubidium
is considered to be the 16th most abundant element in the
earth’s crust. This rubidium is like potassium. Rubidium and
potassium show a similar purple color in the flame test.
Rubidium is very similar to potassium. Normal human adults
contain about 300mg in all tissues, more thanmost of the other
ultra trace elements. It also acts as nutritional substitute for
of potassium, and they show interchangeability with potassium
in a variety of biological systems. The tissuewith high potassium
content accumulates with the radioactive rubidium. The main
use of radioactive rubidium is perfusion imaging inmyocardium.
The changes occur in the blood–brain barrier. This effects
the tumors cells in the brain. Rubidium collects more in
brain tumors than normal brain tissue, allowing the use of
radioisotope rubidium in nuclear medicine to locate and
image brain tumors. Rubidium also tested for the influence
on manic depression. Dialysis patients suffering from
depression show depletion in rubidium and therefore a
supplementation may help during depression. Rubidium is
rapidly and highly absorbed and excreted by the digestive
tracts of mammals. This talk reveals about the brain cells and
the reduction of tumor cells in the brain due to rubidium.
Chemistry and Biomedicine 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4066/2249-622X-C4-012