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May 13-14, 2019 | Prague, Czech Republic

Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry



World Congress on

Page 22

Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Volume 9

ISSN: 2249-622X

María-Paz Zorzano

National Institute of Aerospace Technology, Spain

Hydrogen chemistry in Space Exploration:


resource utilization


lthough hydrogen is the most common element on

the universe, having access to large amounts of it in

space and transforming it in a way that it can be useful

for exploration is a challenge. The development of


resource-utilization (ISRU) methods for space exploration

is a new research activity which is being supported both

by NASA and ESA. The Exploration Roadmap of ESA and

NASA to fulfil: 1) the Human and Robotic exploration of

the Moon; 2) the Deep Space Gateway and 3) the human

exploration of Mars has been defined, and the first steps

are now being implemented. However, the requirements

on propellant mass do not allow for large landed missions.

The future Mars Ascent Vehicle for humans will require

about 7.0 mT of methane and 22.7 mT of oxygen to lift-

off from Mars, back to Earth, with 4 crew members. This

represents about 80% of the weight of the spacecraft,

and this is to date one of the most critical problems that

inhibits the human exploration of Mars. Methane, CH



has been observed on the Martian surface by the Curiosity

rover, however only at trace-amount levels. The chemistry

of methane production and destruction on Mars is to date

not understood. New emerging space companies as SpaceX

have declared their intention to investigate propellant

production for Mars exploration. In addition to propellants,

such as CH


, water, H


O, is another critical product, both

for life- support systems and for its possible transformation

into hydrogen, H


, and oxygen, O


, for propulsion or again

for life-support systems. In this talk we will review where

are the main sources of hydrogen in the form of water on

Mars and the Moon and how can this water be captured

and transformed to facilitate the human and robotic

exploration of space. We will review a few options for the

sustainable production of methane on Mars, and the ISRU

concentration and purification of water. Some of these

processes may also have an industrial application on Earth.

Speaker Biography

María-Paz Zorzano is a researcher at the Centro de Astrobiología

(CAB), of the National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA, Spain)

and a Professor in Atmospheric Science at the Luleå University of

Technology (LTU, Sweden). She is a planetary physicist, investigating

space exploration and astrobiology. She is involved in multiple NASA

and ESA missions of exploration of the Earth, Moon and Mars, including

the Curiosity rover of the Mars Science Laboratory mission (NASA),

the Exomars Trace Gas Orbiter (ESA), the ExoMars Rover (ESA) and the

ExoMars Surface Platform (Roscosmos / ESA), as well as on proposals

for the future international exploration of the Moon through the ESA

Moon landers missions or the Deep Space Gateway. She is member

of the COSPAR Planetary Protection Panel. She has received multiple

awards related to space, such as the 2018 finalist award of the Space

Exploration Masters Challenge and 2nd prize of the InnoSpace Masters

call of 2018. She was also awarded in 2013 with a NASA Group

Achievement for her contributions to the instrument REMS on board

the Curiosity Rover. She is author of 85 refereed articles and several

book chapters.


María-Paz Zorzano, Asian J Biomed Pharmaceut Sci, Volume:9

DOI: 10.4066/2249-622X-C2-019
