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Journal of Nutrition and Human Health | Volume 2
October 29-30, 2018 | London, UK
Joint Event
Nutrition and Fitness
International Conference on
World Congress on
Card i o l ogy
Double- chambered left ventricle and abnormal papillary muscle formation
Yassmin Hanfi
University of Paris 7, UK
apillary muscles develop separately from mitral valve
leaflet and chordae. Where papillary muscles origin from
myocardial ridge of the anterior wall and to the posterior wall
of the left ventricle, Chordae and mitral valve leaflets origin
from a cushion tissue. The myocardial ridge gradually loosens
from the ventricular wall and meanwhile the cushion tissue
transforms into leaflet and chordae1. Abnormality in the
development of papillary muscle could be responsible of a
rare form of double chamber LV. The double chamber LV can
be misdiagnosed as aneurysm or rupture LV. Identification
of such form of double chamber LV would have an impact
for the patient management care. Here is a case report of
double chamber LV with variable presentation as previously
published. Case report 17 years oldmale patient with a recent
history of palpitation not related to exertion. Normal ECG
findings. A transthoracic echocardiogram revealed mildly
dilated left ventricle with abnormal trabeculated appearance
and papillary muscle apparatus forming double chamber LV
with mild obstruction. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance
(CMR) cine images showed a well formed compacted
myocardial layer with normal systolic thickening excluding
the LV non compaction pathology. Although confirmed an
anomalous muscular bridge opposite to the normally formed
anterolateral (AL) papillary muscle causing partial division
of the LV in two chambers without significant obstruction
at rest (Panels A, B, D). Peak recorded velocity <1m/s by
velocity mapping at rest (Panel E). While the posteromedial
papillary muscle is abnormally hypoplastic and heavily
fragmented (Panels G, H). The mitral valve found to be with
mild bellowing of its anterior leaflet with no significant
regurgitation. late gadolinium enhancement phase at the
abnormally hypoplastic posteromedian papillary muscle.