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Journal of Nutrition and Human Health | Volume 2
October 29-30, 2018 | London, UK
Joint Event
Nutrition and Fitness
International Conference on
World Congress on
Card i o l ogy
Cardiac Excitation – Contraction Coupling
Mark Cannell
University of Bristol, UK
alcium signalling is pivotal for cardiac function, but the
complex interaction between cell structure, protein
expression and function is far from clear. While the
discovery of calcium sparks now forms a cornerstone for our
understanding of cardiac excitation-contraction coupling,
the problem of calcium spark termination has been resistant
to clarification. Using detailed computer models, we now
have a robust explanation of calcium spark termination that
depends on the detailed microanatomy of the cardiac cell.
Furthermore, we have found that disrupted cell anatomy, in
the form of de-tabulation, is very closely linked to the loss
of contractile performance seen in heart failure. Loss of
t-tubules will reduce the efficiency of excitation-contraction
coupling but also promote “late calcium sparks” which
prolong the calcium transient and would be pro-arrhythmic.
These late calcium signalling events are likely to become a
new area for intensive study as we attempt to link deranged
calcium signalling to arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death.