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Journal of Nutrition and Human Health | Volume 2
October 29-30, 2018 | London, UK
Joint Event
Nutrition and Fitness
International Conference on
World Congress on
Card i o l ogy
Validity of Renal Denervation for the treatment of resistant hypertension. Experience in Honduras
Hugo Chinchilla
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
pproximately 25% of the adult population of the
industrialized countries suffers from arterial hypertension.
Within this population there is a subgroup that despite an
optimal treatment that includes 3 or more classes of drugs at
maximum dose persists with high blood pressure figures both
in the office and in the 24-hour monitoring. (AMBP). This is a
population that represents 4-5% and has a very high risk of
complications and cardiovascular, renal and cerebrovascular
comorbidities with high mortality. Hence the importance
of its detection and control in specialized units of HTA.
From the physiopathological point of view there are subtypes
of resistant hypertension where sympathetic hyperactivity
plays a central role. Hence the advent of non-pharmacological
co-adjuvant therapies that aim to decrease renal sympathetic
activity. Themost studied andmost experienced clinical method
There are several designs on the market. Despite the good
results in the first studies: SYMPLICITY-HTN I and SYMPLICITY-
HTN II. There was a slowdown in the use of this treatment as
a result of the disappointing results of SYMPLICITY-HTN III.
In this review we make a critical analysis of the SYMPLICITY-
HTN III study and review the latest evidence demonstrating the
current validity of the method in this specific subgroup of true
hypertensive resistant patients, the importance of adequate
selection and operator experience. We also show the results
of the local experience where we observed a high percentage
of responders in relation to the technique used, since from
the first cases we used an off-label technique where a greater
number of applications are made on average 8 per artery and
in Secondary branches smaller than 4 mm. In perspective we
analyze the results with multipolar devices of more recent
design, their advantages and impact on the results.