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Journal of Nutrition and Human Health | Volume 2
October 29-30, 2018 | London, UK
Joint Event
Nutrition and Fitness
International Conference on
World Congress on
Card i o l ogy
Necrotizing enterocolitis in a preterm infant new-born & role of feeding: An update (A clinical case report
Hawal Amr I M
Prime Health Care Group, UAE
It’s a clinical case presentation of a male Preterm
infant New-born (+31 weeks) who was delivered in our hospital
& transferred to our NICU because of Prematurity, VLBW &
need of respiratory support. Baby shortly undergo Necrotizing
Enterocolitis (NEC) on 5th day of life shortly after start of
expressed milk feeding…! Which was early detected by use
of Near Infrared Abdominal spectroscopy (NIRS). Baby was
deteriorated clinically in a couple of hours & undergo intestinal
perforation with peritonitis, So, abdominal exploration surgery
with intestinal resection & end to end anastomosis was done
urgently. Baby improved gradually & early feedings was started
& gradually increased up to full feedings with use of Human
Fortified Milk (HMF) & probiotics, Prebiotics. The Study stated
theevidence-basedFeedingStrategies guidelines for necrotizing
enterocolitis (NEC) among very low birth weight infants & Role
of trophic feedings, Probiotics, Prebiotics & micronutrients in
Prophylaxis, Prevention &Management of NEC.
1) -Prematurity is the single greatest risk
factor for NEC & avoidance of premature birth is the best way
to prevent NEC. 2)-The role of feeding in the pathogenesis
of NEC is uncertain, but it seems prudent to use breast milk
(when available) and advance feedings slowly and cautiously.
3)-NEC is one of the leading causes of mortality, and the most
common reason for emergent GI surgery in new-borns. 4)-
NEC remains a major unsolved medical challenge, for which
no specific therapy exists, and its pathogenesis remains
controversial. 5)-A better understanding of the pathophysiology
will offer new and innovative therapeutic approaches, and
future studies should be focused on the roles of the epithelial
barrier, innate immunity, and microbiota in this disorder.
6)-Bioinformatics modelling is a new emerging strategy aimed
at understanding the dynamics of various inflammatory
markers and their application in early diagnosis and treatment.