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Thursday, September 7, 2017 | Day 1
Major Sessions:
Tropical Medicine and Hygiene | Parasitology | Chest Medicine | Renal Medicine
Session Chair
Shigeyuki Kano
National Center for Global Health and Medicine |Japan
Session Introduction
Investigation on the familial aggregation and spatial aggregation of human leishmania
infection in tanchang county, gansu province, china
Guan Yayi |
National Institute Of Parasitic Diseases | China
Attacking malaria transmission by isolating male and female gametocytes
Christopher Lloyd Peaty |
Australian Army Malaria Institute | Australia
Analysis of historical trends and recent elimination of malaria from sri lanka and its
applicability for malaria control in other countries.
Ranjan Ramaswammy |
IDFISH Technology | United States
Seroprevalance of toxoplasmosis and risk factors of toxoplasma gondii infection
among pregnant women in sri lanka
Sanura |
University of Peradeniya | Sri Lanka
The burden of visceral leishmaniasis infection in children of a new endemic area in
brazil: Is it possible to stem the tide of the epidemic?
Luiz Euribel Prestes-Carneiro |
Oeste Paulista University | Brazil
Combination therapy of methanolic root extracts of
T. Avicennioides
T. Leiocarpus
and its effect on kidney and haematological parameters in mice
Matthew Akanbi |
Adekunle Ajasin University | Nigeria
An outbreak of diarrhea in mandera, kenya due to Escherichia coli serogroup
o-untypable strain that had a coding gene for enteroaggregative E. coli heat-stable
enterotoxin 1
Yoshio Ichinose |
Kenya Medical Research Institute | Kenya