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Friday, September 8, 2017 | Day 2
Major Sessions:
Infectious Diseases and Translational Medicine | Pathogenesis | Antibiotics | Nutrition |
Neglected Tropical Diseases
Session Chair
Luiz Euribel Prestes-Carneiro
Oeste Paulista University | Brazil
Session Introduction
Epidemiology of Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome in Korea: SFTSV and
migratory bird, person-to-person transmission of SFTSV, and coinfection of SFTSV and
Orientia tsutsugamishi
Keun Hwa Lee |
Jeju National University | South Korea
Association And Management Of Influenza With Severe Pneumonia/Empyema In The
Community, Hospital, And Healthcare-Associated Setting In Japan.
Masafumi Seki |
Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Hospital | Japan