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Journal of Clinical and Experimental Toxicology | Volume: 03 | ISSN: 2630-4570
November 04-05, 2019 | Prague, Czech Republic
World Congress on
Quantitation of oxidative stress, problems and perspectives
Dov Lichtenberg
Tel Aviv University, Israel
xidative stress (OS), caused by access reactive
oxygen species (ROS) is commonly blamed for being
involved in the pathogenesis of many diseases. Yet,
many (but not all) intervention epidemiologic studies
of the possible benefits of antioxidant supplementation
yielded disappointing results, attributed to the important
physiological role of ROS. The prevailing, reasonable but
questionable hypothesis is that high-risk groups would
benefit most from antioxidant interventions. This yielded
the "identify and treat" approach, based on the assumption
that determination of OS can enable identification of
people in risk of oxidative damages, thus Improve patient
management decisions and patient outcome. The major
problems with this approach are (i) the lack of a universal
criterion for OS and the lack of correlations between the
OS, as evaluated on the basis of results obtained with
different biomarkers (ii) the different potency of different
antioxidants and its dependence on the type of OS and (iii)
the validity of the paradigm that the effect of antioxidants
increases with the OS, as evaluated by different methods.
We think that even if we disregard these three problems, as
long as we do not know the pathophysiological meaning of
the different types of OS, the search for improved methods
of quantifying OS is of limited applied value, namely OS is
not a diagnostic tool. This conclusion is strongly supported
by the finding that lists of the people with the highest
10% OS according to different biomarkers exhibit only
small overlapping. Studies of the association of the steady
state concentrations of biomarkers do not help identifying
people under OS.
Dov Lichtenberg did his BS, MS and PhD in Chemistry at HebrewUniversity
of Jerusalem, Post Doc in Chemical Biophysics, Caltech (1972-1974),
Lecturer, Hebrew University (1974-1979), Visiting Professor, University of
Virginia (1979-1981), Professor, Tel Aviv University (1981-2011) Previous
Dean of Medicine (2002-2006). Professor Emeritus (2011-present).
Present Topics: Solubilization and reconstitution of membranes, Oxidative
stress and Antioxidants, Admission to Medical schools. He has over 200
publications that have been cited over 200 times, and his publication
H-index is 41 and has been serving as an editorial board member of
reputed Journals.
Dov Lichtenberg, J Clin Exp Tox, Volume: 03
DOI: 10.35841/2630-4570-C2-008