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Journal of Clinical and Experimental Toxicology | Volume: 03 | ISSN: 2630-4570
November 04-05, 2019 | Prague, Czech Republic
World Congress on
Put your Toxicology where your mouth is
Amy Reisinger
SteelFusion Clinical Toxicology Laboratory, USA
relatively overlooked aspect of forensic science is the
utilization of oral cavity fluid in a forensic diagnosis.
Although traditional specimens, blood and urine, are
routinely evaluated for forensic toxicology testing, fluid from
the oral cavity has not previously been investigated as a
matrix in postmortem cases. Our laboratory developed and
validated qualitative and quantitative analytical methods for
determining 47 medicinal and illicit drugs in oral fluids. The
developed methods analyze oral fluid samples utilizing liquid
chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry
(LC-MS/MS) analyses; the results were directly compared to
traditional matrices collected from the same postmortem
subjects. Withinminutes of a drug entering the bloodstream,
oral cavity fluid retains trace amounts of drugs and their
ensuing metabolites and it is an unanticipated, plausible
alternative matrix in the rapid detection and quantification
of prescription and illicit drugs (including alcohol).
SteelFusion Clinical Toxicology Laboratory, LLC’s unique oral
cavity fluid testing capabilities supports key stakeholders
by providing an economical, less time consuming, safe and
non-invasive collection method, while maintaining chain-of-
custody procedures which allows for cases to be closed more
rapidly. Types of cases performed in decedents utilizing oral
cavity fluid have been drug overdoses deaths; embalmed
decedents; multiple blunt force trauma; drownings; burn
victims; suicides; decompositions (up to 19 days); still-born
deaths; and methamphetamine explosions.
Amy Reisinger studied Biology/Pre-Medicine at The University of North
Carolina in Wilmington, North Carolina and completed postgraduate
studies in the Cardiovascular Perfusion Program at Duquesne
University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She became a Research Scientist
at GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, where she
provided regulatory support to the pharmaceutical industry. Based
on her knowledge of toxicology and pathology and understanding
the logistics of performing clinical studies in accordance with Good
Laboratory Practices (GLPs), she served as a Study Director/Monitor
at Bristol-Myers Squibb Company in Mt. Vernon, Indiana for GLP and
non-GLP toxicology studies. SteelFusion Clinical Toxicology Laboratory,
LLC, was established in 2014 by Amy J. Reisinger as an women-owned
and operated toxicology laboratory specializing in clinical and forensic
toxicology services. She has been serving as the President and CEOof the
laboratory since its inception. She has published multiple publications;
with her most recent in The Journal of Analytical Toxicology.
amy@steelfusionlabs.comAmy Reisinger, J Clin Exp Tox, Volume: 03
DOI: 10.35841/2630-4570-C2-008