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Journal of Clinical and Experimental Toxicology | Volume: 03 | ISSN: 2630-4570
November 04-05, 2019 | Prague, Czech Republic
World Congress on
Protective effect of Ginseng against Cisplatin-induced Neurotoxicity and Cognitive
decline in rats
Hend Mohamed Hussien
Pharos University, Egypt
eurological disturbance is one of the most common
serios effect of cisplatin chemotherapy that triggers
memory impairment and cognitive disability. The present
study aimed to investigate cisplatin-induced neurotoxicity
and behavior abnormality in male rats and explore the
neuroprotective effect of ginseng extract via tracking its
effect on the oxidative stress/inflammatory pathway.
Cognitive decline was induced in rats by intraperitoneal dose
of cisplatin (4 mg/kg BW/ week) for three months. Cisplatin
induced behavior disfunction in Morris water maze task. In
addition, it disrupted the antioxidant biomarkers (TBARS,
NO, GST, GPX, CAT and SOD), neuroinflammatory molecules
(TNF- α, IL-6, IL-12, IL-1β and COXII), neurotransmitters
(ACh, AChE, MAO, NE, DA and 5-HT), apoptotic (caspase-3,
P53 and Bax) and dementia markers (amyloid-β40 and
amyloid-β 42). Co-treatment with ginseng extract (100 mg/
kg BW/day) successfully ameliorated the cognitive behaviors
and presented a good protective agent against neurological
damage. Histopathological and histochemical study proved
the neuroprotective effect of ginseng. Our data support the
neuro-beneficial effect against several neurological disorders
via its anti-inflammatory/antioxidant pathway.
Hend Mohamed Hussien has completed her PhD in biochemistry
from Alexandria university, Egypt. She is a professor of biochemistry,
pharmacology and therapeutics department, faculty of pharmacy and
drug manufacturing, Pharos University, Alexandria, Egypt.
hendsoh@yahoo.comHend Mohamed Hussien, J Clin Exp Tox, Volume: 03
DOI: 10.35841/2630-4570-C2-008