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Journal of Agricultural Science and Botany | Volume: 2

November 15-16, 2018 | Paris, France

Plant Science

Natural Products,Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicines

International Conference on

Joint Event


Business potential of Agritourism for improving the farmers’ income in India

Chidanand Patil

Central University of Punjab, India


ndia is an agrarian driven economy as more than half of its

population is still dependent on agriculture as main source

their livelihoodbut this sector is facingdisguisedunemployment

due to lack of opportunities in rural areas, hence, it’s important

to generate business or employment opportunities in rural

areas. Agritourism is the latest concept in the Indian tourism

industry, which normally occurs on farms in the villages. It

offers people the welcome escape from the daily hectic life

in the peaceful rural environment. Agritourism contributes

towards development of the agricultural sector by exposing

the visitors towards diversified agricultural activities like how

crop cultivation takes place, experience ploughing the land,

milking the cow, poultry, fishery, beekeeping, organic farming,

floriculture, terrace gardening, hydroponics, etc. even some

tourists get motivated to take up entrepreneurial ventures in

agriculture and by providing employment opportunities and

income to the farmers and tour operators, and an opportunity

to rest, relax, enjoy and learn about agriculture for the visitors.

There are 23 and 37 agritourism destinations are prevailing

in Karnataka and Punjab respectively. Agricultural areas in

India have many tourist attractions with varied agro-climatic

conditions which can form the basis for tourist attraction. The

paper suggested that the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of

Tourism and Agricultural Universities should give orientation

towards agritourism by providing some innovative ideas and

by training the farmers in their areas. Reviewing literature on

agritourism in Punjab and Karnataka indicated that, agritourism

as an economic development instrument has great potential

to contribute towards improving the farmers’ income.


Plant science & Natural Medicine 2018, Volume 2

DOI: 10.4066/2591-7897-C1-003