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Journal of Agricultural Science and Botany | Volume: 2
November 15-16, 2018 | Paris, France
Plant Science
Natural Products,Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicines
International Conference on
Joint Event
Phenolic compounds of krasnodar tea
Oksana Belous
Russian Research Institute of Floriculture and Subtropical Crops, Russia
he total content of tannins in three-leaf flushes in humid
subtropics of Russia (unlike other tea-producing countries)
increases from May to June, then there is a decline in their
content, is associated with temperature and arid stress, slowing
the synthesis of tannins in the tea leaf. At the end of stress, the
tannin content is actively increasing, reaching a maximum in
August. In the black tea content of theaflavins increases from
thebeginningof the collectionof the sheet to its completion; the
least number of thearubigins noted in June, themost-in August.
A sharp drop in the synthesis of thearubigins and a slowdown
in the accumulation of theaflavins in June are associated with
the summer dormancy of growth and synthetic processes. The
comparative analysis of samples of tea raw materials collected
from the plant breeding Institute is done. Tea produced from
the highest content of thearubigins noted in tea plants cv.
`. Theaflavins are unstable compounds and easily pass
into thearubigins during oxidation, currently there is no single
standard for their content in the finished product. At the same
time, hydrothermal conditions significantly affect the quality of
tea, which requires blending its semi-finished product to obtain
aqualitybrand. According to international rules, anyblendof tea
should have a ratio “theaflavins/thearubigins” not lower than
1:16, and in tea of the highest quality 1:10. According to this
indicator, all tea produced from raw materials collected from
the plant breeding Institute, meet international requirements.
oksana191962@mail.ruPlant science & Natural Medicine 2018, Volume 2
DOI: 10.4066/2591-7897-C1-003