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July 05-06, 2019 | Paris, France
Pharmaceutics and Advanced Drug Delivery Systems
International Conference and Exhibition on
Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | ISSN:2249-622X | Volume 9
Outcomes of integrating smart phrase interface technology to improve cancer
symptom management
Marlene Dufault
University of Rhode Island, USA
Using default’s collaborative translational research
model, this study’s goal is to integrate, evaluate, and sustain,
anevidence-baseduser- friendly smart phraseembedded into
the emr to improve remote symptom management by cuing
telephone triage nurses’ assessments in a comprehensive
cancer institute.
Managing cancer symptoms is
challenging for frontline tele-triage nurses to get patients
to the most appropriate levels of care. Earliest descriptive
studies indicate that toggling multiple emr screens to assess
toxicity risk while providing emotional support over the phone
to vulnerable patients may cause missed communications,
error, and dissatisfaction. Smart phrase technology to improve
symptom management is not widely used nor outcome
tested. This study aims to test a tele-smart phrase-emr
interface to improve nurse-sensitive patient outcomes and
nurse satisfaction.
Repeated-measures design will compare
nurse-sensitive quality variables along a 5-point pre/post
implementation trajectory in a multi-site cancer institute
serving 14,000 patients. Outcome data from outpatient
oncology satisfaction surveys include:managing chemotherapy
side effects, education for fatigue management, appetite
loss, and emotional needs met, home-based education,
pain control, and perceived safety/security. LifeChat epic
databases will measure nurse-sensitive changes in er visits and
appointments within 24 hours. 375 tele-triaged calls at each
of 5 data-collection points will be analyzed using generalized
linear mixed models to construct hierarchical regressions to
model outcomes. Changes in nurse satisfaction and usability
will also be tested.
Integrating smart phrase tele-
emr-interface well-embedded in practice, documented in the
emr, highly reliable, & widely disseminated holds promise
for improving assessment to reduce treatment toxicity risk,
optimize symptom management, and quantify the impact of
patient engagement on quality/safety.
mdufault@uri.eduAsian J Biomed Pharmaceut Sci, | ISSN: 2249-622X
Volume 9