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July 05-06, 2019 | Paris, France

Pharmaceutics and Advanced Drug Delivery Systems



International Conference and Exhibition on

Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | ISSN:2249-622X | Volume 9

Gut motility, transit and pH: How different are we?

Hala M Fadda

Butler University, USA


mall intestine (SI) motility, transit times and pH can have

implications on the absorption of poorly soluble drugs.

Utilizing novel approaches, we investigated these physiological

parameters in humans. The small bowel video capsule

endoscope (VCE) allows visualization of the entire SI and the

wireless motility capsule (SmartPill™, Medtronic, Minneapolis,

MN) houses sensors that provide real-time measurements of


(GI) luminal environment. Our findings illustrate that in some

healthy subjects, pH in the proximal SI does not rise uniformly

but is characterized by large fluctuations. In a third of healthy

subjects, the pHmedian was 6.0 (5th, 95th percentiles 3.09,

7.06) and fluctuated over a mean period of 28 min. These

pH changes can have implications on the supersaturation

and precipitation of weakly basic drugs. Large inter-individual

variability in the frequency of pressure activity (Ct) and area

under the pressure curve (AUC) is observed in the proximal

SI of healthy subjects and patients with constipation. Median

AUC was 3996 mmHg s−1 (5th, 95th percentiles 948, 16866

mmHg s−1) in these two populations combined. An inverse

correlation was observed between AUC and small intestinal

transit times (SITT) at r=−0.49, p < 1×10−6, that is a moderate

correlation suggesting longer SITT with lower pressure activity.

The inter-individual variations in SI pressure activity may have

implications on the disintegration/dissolution of oral modified

release (MR) dosage forms. Themedian SITTof human subjects

as determined using VCEwas 208min, with times ranging from

50 to 460 min. This large inter-subject variability in transit

times may explain the variability in bioavailability observed

from some MR preparations. Our improved understanding of

GI transit times, pH and pressure activities can be utilized in in

silico and in vitro drug release and absorption models for oral

drug delivery systems.



Asian J Biomed Pharmaceut Sci, | ISSN: 2249-622X

Volume 9