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July 05-06, 2019 | Paris, France
Pharmaceutics and Advanced Drug Delivery Systems
International Conference and Exhibition on
Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | ISSN:2249-622X | Volume 9
Telomere dynamics in aging
Asefa K Ansari
North West Suburban College, USA
reservation of basic genomic stability is hallmark of the
survival of a living cell. Nuclear eukar-yotic genome
constitutes a specific chromosome number and their defined
morphology. Telo-meres, the physical ends of the linear
chromosomes protect their morphology against degradation
and through preventing fusion with other chromosomes or
chromosome segments. These protec-tive caps comprise of a
specific repetitive DNA sequence which does not code for any
human cells while the telomerase enzyme complex adds the
telomeric repeat de novo, thereby assuring the genomic
stability. Enormous volume of research has established an
association between the shortening of telomere length, and
human diseases and aging. Decreased activity of telomerase
and resultant shortening of telomere lengths in aged human
being and in a few animal, models have led to infer telomere
length as a biomarker of aging. Such studies have, however,
not been able to conclude whether telomere shortening
is the cause of aging or merely a consequence. Present
review explores the mechanistic aspects of telomere biology.
Speaker Biography
Asefa K Ansari did her PhD in 1984 from University of Reading, England.
At present, she is settled in Chicago, USA and serving as a Director of Basic
Sciences at North West Suburban Col-lege. She has thirty-seven research
publications in National and International Journals and thirty-five years of
teaching and research experience. Basically, she is an Entomologist. But
recently, she has developed a passion for Human Genetics.
aansari10@ccc.eduAsefa K Ansari
, Asian J Biomed Pharmaceut Sci, | ISSN: 2249-622X
Volume 9