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Joint Event on
Pharma Summit 2018 & Gastro Summit 2018 Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | ISSN: 2249-622X | Volume 8
International Conference on
Nanjappaiah H M et al., Asian J Biomed Pharmaceut Sci 2018, Volume 8 | DOI: 10.4066/2249-622X-C5-014
Nanjappaiah H M, Shivaprakasha S M, Virupanagouda P Patil
Shivakumar Hugar
BLDEA’s SSM College of Pharmacy and Research Centre, India
To investigate adaptogenic activity of ethanolic extract of
Luffa cy-
leaves (EELCL).
Methods: In the present study adaptogenic activity was screened against
anoxia tolerance, swimming endurance and cold restraint stress models. In
anoxia tolerance test, the mean time of appearing first convulsion in mice
was taken as end point to determine the time of anoxia. In swimming en-
durance test, the mean time of swimming performance was recorded. The
end point taken was when the animals started drowning and remain at the
bottom of swimming tank for 10 sec. Estimation of biochemical parameters
such as serum glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides and BUN and also weight
of organs (Liver, adrenal glands, spleen and testes) were measured in cold
restraint stress model.
Effect of EELCL on anoxia stress tolerance time in mice:
In the anoxic stress tolerance test, the time taken for the mice to exhibit clonic
convulsions was considered as the end point. The graded doses ( 50, 100,
200 mg/kg ) of the test extract demonstrated dose and duration dependent
significant delay in clonic convulsions on 7th, 14th and 21st day compared to
control group received vehicle only. The lower dose of the test extract (50 mg/
kg ) did prolong the clonic convulsions at the end of 1st and 2nd week, but
the results found statistically not significant. Antistress effect of the higher
dose (200 mg/kg ) of the test extract was found closer to that of the standard
drug, Withania somnifera.
Effect of EELCL on swimming endurance test in mice:
There was dose dependent significant increase in swimming performance
time monitored in mice pretreated with EELCL at graded doses (50, 100 and
200 mg/kg) for seven days. The percentage increase in swimming perfor-
mance time was found to be 55 to 89. However, the effect of test extract on
swimming performance time was found to be less potent than the reference
standard drug, Withania somnifera.
Effect of EELCL on biochemical parameters in cold restraint stress:
Cold restraint stress adversely affected the serum concentration of various
biochemical parameters. The induction of cold restraint stress significant-
ly elevated the serum cholesterol, triglycerides, BUN and glucose levels in
Nanjappaiah H M is working as Associate Professor in
the Department of Pharmacology, BLDEA’s SSM College
of Pharmacy and Research Centre, Vijayapur, Karnataka,
India. He obtained Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Phar-
macology under Pharmacy Faculty by Rajiv Gandhi Uni-
versity of Health sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
in the year Jan 2018. He received a research grant as
Seed Money to Young Scientists for Research (SMYSR)
from Vision Group on Science and Technology, Govt. of
Karnataka, Bangalore in the year 2012-13. He published
20 research articles in various national and international
journals and presented 30 posters 05 oral presentations
in various conferences. Presently guiding 02 M Pharm
Pharmacology students. He is member of Board Of Stud-
ies in Pharmacy (Doctor of Pharmacy), Rajiv Gandhi Uni-
versity of Health Sciences, Bangalore. He is life member
of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India and
Karnataka State Pharmacy Council.
stress control rats compared to normal control
group. Animals pretreated for ten days with test
extract at different dose levels (50, 100, 200 mg/
kg) showed significant and dose dependent fall
in all the biochemical parameters, as compared
to the stress control animals.
Effect of EELCL on organs weight in cold re-
straint stress:
Cold stress significantly increased the weight of
liver, adrenal glands and decreased the testes
and spleen weight. Ten days pretreatment with
graded doses of EELCL significantly and dose
dependently ameliorated the cold stress induced
altered organs weight.
In conclusion, the findings from the
present study suggest that 70% hydro alcoholic
leaf extract of Luffa cylindrica demonstrated
increased resistance against different aversive
stimuli in a nonspecific manner thus the test ex-
tract could possesses adaptogenic – anti-stress