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February 18-19, 2019 | Paris, France
Joint Event
Green Chemistry and Technology
World Congress on
International Conference on
Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry| Volume: 3
Mathematical modelling of metal ion chromium (Cr) bio-sorption by biomass
Assnaoui Hassan
University Moly Ismail, Morocco
io-sorption is an innovative low-cost and effective
procedure for the removal of heavy metal ions from
wastewater. It primarily depends on the diffusion of metal
ions through a porous structure of biomass (Ulva lactuca)
and the resistance effects arisen as the result of electrostatic
repulsive interactions between ions within the sorbent. The
intra-particle diffusion of metal ion Cr fromaqueous solution by
biomass was investigated in order to develop a mathematical
model that would describe the phenomenon of different ions
transport through porous algae matrices. FTIR analysis of algal
biomass revealed the presence of amino, carboxyl, hydroxyl
and carbonyl groups, which are responsible of metal ions bio-
sorption. The results obtained have shown a particle diffusion
coefficient Dint=0.1363(mgg-1.min-1/2), R
=0.99, and partition
coefficients greater than 0.95, showing that the bio-sorption
process is very fast at the beginning and mainly indicated by
the diffusion of the ions through the porous algae structure.
However, over a period the bio-sorption slows down due to
the increase of the resistance to the further transport of metal
ions through the Algae. A mathematical model based on the
second Fick’s law determined the profile of heavy metal ion
concentration in the algae and the effectiveness of sorption
and optimize the bio-sorption of heavy metal ions by means of
connecting themodel parameterswith theAlgaeperformances.
Hassan.assnaoui@gmail.comJ Ind Environ Chem 2019, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4066/2591-7331-C1-009