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February 18-19, 2019 | Paris, France
Joint Event
Green Chemistry and Technology
World Congress on
International Conference on
Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry| Volume: 3
Heterocycles: Benign and sustainable synthetic methodologies
Fayez Eissa
Aswan University, Egypt
ew heterocycles that can interact with biological organisms
as active leads shaped an ever-increasing competition
for proficient synthetic structures aiming to establish various
drug-like structures. Heterocycles were commonly established
through conventional and non-eco-friendly procedures and
it made their production environmentally non-proficient
and multifaceted process. Developing simple, benign and
sustainable synthetic methodologies for heterocycles will be
described. Grinding Chemistry, microwave-assisted synthesis,
solar-assisted synthesis, and others were feasible benign,
simple, and rapid methodologies for synthesis instead of risky
conventional procedures. The appointed green methodologies
presented excellent conversions with optimum yields, energy
proficient, andmore economically and ecologically constructive
pathways to valuable organic compounds.
fayezeissa@gmail.comJ Ind Environ Chem 2019, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4066/2591-7331-C1-009