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February 18-19, 2019 | Paris, France
Joint Event
Green Chemistry and Technology
World Congress on
International Conference on
Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry| Volume: 3
Supported polyoxometalates: Tailoring and sustainable glycerol valorization
Anjali Patel
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India
olyoxometalates (POMs) comprise a class of inorganic
complexes of unrivaled versatility and structural variation,
with applications in many fields of science. Modification
of parent POMs are likely to help in development of new
generation of catalysts with enhance properties of acidity,
redox properties and stability. In the present talk, the designing
of heterogeneous catalysts based on parent as well as lacunary
silicotungstate and mesoporous supports as well as zeolites will
be discussed.
Glycerol is formed as by-product (~10 wt.%) during the
biodiesel production leading to an increase of crude glycerol in
the market. The high manufacturing cost of biodiesel raises the
need to study the uses of glycerol as a renewable feedstock for
synthesis of value added fine chemicals. Amongst all, cyclization
of glycerol via acetalization as well as carboxylation of glycerol
are the most important reactions as the formed products
have direct applications as fragrances, in cosmetics, food and
beverage additives, pharmaceuticals, in detergents, in lacquer
industries and as ignition accelerators and antiknock additives in
combustion engines and in port wine productions. The present
talk describes the new prospects for conversion of glycerol into
value added products by choosing viable reaction conditions
with parent as well as lacunary silicotungstates anchored
to mesoporous as well as zeolites, as catalysts. The unique
catalytic activity of all the catalysts is due to the combination
of well defined order, channel framework, homogeneous
dispersion of the active sites, as well as strong acidity. All these
characteristics also make them promising environmentally
benign heterogeneous catalysts.
anjali.patel-chem@msubaroda.ac.inJ Ind Environ Chem 2019, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4066/2591-7331-C1-009