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J Med Oncl Ther 2017 Volume 2 | Issue 3
International Conference on
Oncology and Cancer Therapeutics
October 30- November 01, 2017 | Chicago, USA
Targeting cancer stem cell by oncolytic viruses
Faris Farassati
Midwest Biomedical Research Foundation, USA
ccording to the recent models for tumor development, a
fraction of cells within tumors play the role of stem cells
(i.e. cancer stem cells or CSC) and are in charge of giving rise
to all other kinds of cells needed to maintain tumor integrity.
An effective therapy must be able to destroy CSCs. Lack of
such feature in our current chemotherapy agents leads to
the eventual tumor relapse. There are no pharmacological
agents currently available for specific targeting of CSCs.
In this talk, we present our data on targeting CSCs from
both preventive and therapeutic points of view. This is
accomplished by developing Oncolytic Viruses that can
target CSCs in a cell specific manner. Oncolytic viruses are
novel tools for targeting human malignancies that are
capable of infecting cancer cells while sparing normal cells.
With the FDA approval of the first member of this family
in 2015 for treatment of melanoma, we are entering a
new phase in the use of these agents in clinical practice. A
range of oncolytic viruses are used for this purpose such as
genetically engineered viruses (e.g. Herpes and Adenoviral
models) or viruses that are used in their natural form (e.g.
Reoviruse). Other than killing cancer cells by infection (the
signature effect of an oncolytic virus), an important anti-
cancer mechanism of these agents is their stimulatory effects
on anti-tumoral immunity. This is caused by release of a
host of viral elements as well as cancer associated antigens.
One of the focus areas of Dr. Farassati’s team is to develop
oncolytic viruses that can target and destroy CSCs which will
be reviewed in this presentation.
Speaker Biography
Faris Farassati is a Translational Cancer Scientist whose research is focused on
development of novel anti-cancer therapeutics. His research team focuses on
intervention with pro-oncogenic cell signaling machinery in order to treat human
malignancies. Therapeutic targets which are identified to be “Cancer-Specific” are
pursued by both gene and drug therapy strategies. Transcriptional targeting of
Oncolytic Viruses is a major focus of research of his group.