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December 02-03, 2019 | Dubai, UAE
Oil & Gas
International Conference and Expo on
Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry | Volume 3
J Ind Environ Chem, Volume:3
DOI: 10.35841/2591-7331-C3-015
Green Surfactants (ILs) as advanced new screening aspects for EOR progress
Benzagouta MS,
Mabkhot Salama
University of Oum Bouaghi Department of Earth Sciences, Algeria
University of Calgary, Canada
nvestigating the suitability and efficiency of ionic liquids
(ILs), as EOR chemicals for extra crude oil recovery,
subsequent to primary production is, by at the present time,
a talented and attractive economic process. This carried out
process, based on selected chemicals, is conditioned with
various properties. The use of non-toxic surfactants, beside
other conditions such as reservoir environment is of main
concern in that purpose. The led research is conducted with
principal of screening method, where several ionic liquids
were tested. The examination was with the considered
chemicals in contact with Saudi Medium crude oil. Ammoeng
102 ILs was found to be the ionic liquid of choice based on
its solubility, stability at wide range of temperature and its
effectiveness in lowering interfacial tension with crude oil.
Effect of Ammoeng 102 concentration, solution salinity
and brine salts contents; pressure and temperature on
Ionic solution- crude oil IFT were investigated. During the
experiments, brine selected solutions were used as dilution
phase for different concentrations of Ammoeng 102. Results
at reservoir condition (2000 psig and 60°C) indicated that IFT
values of Ammoeng 102 solutions decrease exponentially
with concentration: Lower for higher salinity ionic solution
and slightly polynomial increase with increasing CaCl2 ratio
in salts composition. Temperature and pressure show minor
effect with linear IFT decrease with increasing temperature at
constant pressure and linear increasewith increasing pressure
at constant temperature. In addition, effect of Ammoeng 102
solutions on crude asphaltene content were also investigated
at different salinities, different ionic liquid concentrations and
reservoir temperatures. Results indicate that Ammoeng 102
is capable of cracking the asphaltene and reducing its content
in crude oil even when present in low concentrations