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December 02-03, 2019 | Dubai, UAE
Oil & Gas
International Conference and Expo on
Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry | Volume 3
Characteristics of Asphaltenic oils and challenges in their production and processing
M R Riazi
Kuwait University, Kuwait
eavy oils normally contain a large amount of heavy
hydrocarbon compounds rich in aromatics including
asphaltenes. Characteristics and behavior of such oils
are significantly different from those of light oils. In this
presentation characteristics and nature of several asphaltenic
oils from different parts of oil are examined and methods
of estimation of their properties needed for production
and processing are discussed. Stability of oil with respect
to asphaltene precipitation and paramters that can be used
to determine such stability will be discussed. In addition
difficulties that asphaltene creates for oil production and
processing and as well as some suggestions to overcome
these difficulties will be presented.
m.r.riazi08@gmail.comJ Ind Environ Chem, Volume:3
DOI: 10.35841/2591-7331-C3-015